I have a bump on my nose that can be seen from my side profile… makes me insecure and unattractive for dating…. Do guys care about this?? Its gotten so bad that I don’t want to go on dates. I hate my face so bad.

  1. Some do, some don’t.

    Guys definitely won’t be into you if you don’t give them a chance though.

  2. The guys who are going on a date with you will probably have some sort of attraction to you so just try to be confident 😃

  3. Are you familiar with [Jennifer Grey](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jennifer_Grey)? She had an unusual nose but she was beautiful and people liked it. After she got a nose job she had a very hard time finding work in Hollywood.

    Usually a single “flaw” (which it isn’t but for lack of a better word) adds character and makes you stand out.

    That being said, people have different tastes. You don’t want to be with someone so concerned about something so small anyhow.

  4. I doubt most guys would even notice to be honest. Most men don’t care about that sort of thing.

  5. I have a typical European nose and honestly if its a problem for someone you are probably dating the wrong person. I am insecure about mine but then I have nice green eyes and feminine lips. You win some and you lose some. Concentrate on the features you like 🙂

  6. I have what I consider a big honker – and I’ve had some really fun guys be like “I LOVE YOUR NOSE…”

    Honestly, studies show they are looking for hwp… waist to hip ratio, and parts that look like they might be good for reproducing. Your nose is not remotely a factor unless the guy is not into the other parts of a woman’s body.

  7. I have a big nose but I feel like I have good features otherwise lol. I cared for a bit (about my own nose) when I was in HS, but then I realized it’s whatever. It’s probably not that bad and you shouldn’t dwell on it. It would say a lot about someone who rejects or ends things with you over your nose.

    Edit: You mentioned cosmetic work. When I see people do that, I think about potential children and what traits I may pass onto them. How would I explain that to them? Then I figure that it’s part of who I am and ultimately there are better things to spend money and mental energy on.

  8. I think it’s all personal preference. There was this one girl that worked at a place I frequent years back. Absolutely gorgeous woman, I think she had a thing back. But she had a bit of a larger nose and the only reason I took notice is because I could tell it bothered her. Otherwise it didn’t even strike me as odd.

  9. I can only speak for myself, but if I’m attracted to someone’s natural features, I don’t see the “flaw,” for lack of a better term.

    However, I will say that, again, for me, when a woman will try to surgically remove that “flaw,” I get disappointed. There have been classmates/coworkers that I was attracted to that had moles or bumps removed from their face and it was immediately noticeable to me because I was attracted to what I was seeing before. That said, it’s their body, they can do what they want with it. It’s just a feature I found unique and cute.

    The nose you’re natually born with usually “fits” your face just fine. To mess with it would detract from your unique facial symmetry.

    In short, don’t sweat it. If they’re into you, they’re into you.

  10. Absolutely everyone has some part of their appearance they aren’t happy with. The vast majority of the time the right person either won’t think anything of it or they’ll consider it a unique and beautiful feature of the person they’re with.

  11. Would need to see to give answer, honestly. My ex gf had broken nose in past and she was super self-conscious about it, but it never bothered me. It looked normal and her face was overall pretty.

  12. Some might, but chances are they wont because they’ve taken the opportunity to meet you. Everyone has their own insecurities, no need to put excess thought into what you can’t change.

    In my earlier days of dating (31, M) I was guilty of valuing physical traits higher than I should have. I’ve recently met someone outside of my typical physical preferences who has sparked a level of attraction I never thought possible.

  13. This is really something that only you can decide if you’re comfortable with. Everyone is different in terms of what they find attractive. Some guys may find the bump on your nose attractive and not think twice about it, while others may not. Ultimately, your confidence and personality will be a bigger factor in any relationships than something like a nose bump.

  14. No, we don’t care.. you must remember, beautiful to one is different to another.. someone will fall in love with you for just how you are.. I personally don’t love myself but I’ve met this girl who thinks I’m just gorgeous and it makes me feel so special..
    Don’t let small insecurities bring you down, don’t stop dating because you think your nose is a problem, some guy out there might just think it’s a little extra for him to live about you🙂

  15. I have a horrible nose. I was bullied for it my whole childhood. Didn’t stop me getting married, and having 3 kids, and when divorced (not over the nose! 😂) meeting other men,all who have approached me. They say I’m beautiful I guess that’s what they see. Life is too short to limit yourself for this. We all have bits we don’t like, this body is just vessel it’s not ‘who’ we are. Those that fancy us will and those that don’t won’t much like you will be attracted to some guys and not others. It’s the beauty of the world. Go love yourself that’s definitely a thing that shines the most!!

  16. Imperfections is what makes us beautiful. Don’t think otherwise. One person will hate it, the next will love it. Stop catering to the people that dislike you.

  17. You can always find some guy who finds some given feature incredibly unattractive. Virtually all guys will have some sort of opinion about what makes a nose fetching or not, but there’s just no way that all guys will like the same things. I have a large crooked nose, some people find it noble some people find it offputting. So it goes. You don’t need everyone to love everything about you, just one.

  18. I have a huge ass nose with a huge ass bump in the middle. I hated it so much I wanted to get plastic surgery when I was a teen. Now my boyfriend says it’s cute. The right person won’t mind.

  19. I dated a girl who had a weird nose i totally noticed it but the fact that she was so nice i wouldn’t say i really cared that much

  20. Some may, most probably won’t. It’s not about whether or not everyone else likes it. You need to embrace as being a part of you. I have a large nose and I used to be insecure about that, but I know most ppl are never ever gonna even notice that my nose is big because as ppl we don’t typically define those we know by their facial features. Obviously there are exceptions to that, but think about this, do ou have a friend with a double chin, or a large nose, or maybe they have a lot of freckles. When you think of your friends or other ppl you may know, do you think of those random physical features or do you think aboutthe kind of person they are and why you like have t them as friends?
    I won’t lie to you, some people are very shallow and thattypicallycomes from a place of insecurity, so it is very possible that some guys do care, but just be you and embrace who you are, that’s how you find the people who like you for you and that’s how you find self fulfillment. By loving yourself and finding those who love you the same. Good luck 🤍

  21. I think distinctive features are attractive. Like Gina Linetti on Brooklyn 99, but maybe not so much W.C. Fields.

  22. Honestly, when it comes down to it, if you have a profile up and people are matching with you, they don’t find it unattractive, so I wouldn’t worry about that.

    Honestly, more than anything, I feel you should worry more about the fact that it’s making you that uncomfortable and think about what you can do to help yourself feel less upset with it.

  23. I have a very large “European” nose with a prominent bump. My dad has the same one. Profile pictures make me very upset with my appearance. I am told I am beautiful but in all honesty I just think about how much more beautiful I would be if I didn’t have this insane nose smack dab on the middle of my face. My ex called it a “Jewish” nose and said it entered the room 2 seconds before I did. That certainly didn’t help how I feel about it. I have a lovely partner now who tries to make me feel better but I think we are all our own worst critics.

  24. The truth… yes. We care about women’s noses and facial features in general. Is it all we care about, No. There are lots of other ways to be attractive, work on what you can control: posture, body language, personality.

  25. some might, but the right person won’t give a butt about it. You gotta put yourself out there to find that dude tho…

    Seriously, noses are just *weird in general*

  26. Attraction is different across all boards. Just like you have a preference they have a preference they can’t change it and you can’t change it either. It’s easier to say and it took me a long time to accept myself as I am but in the meantime be gentle on yourself.

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