Ladies of reddit, what is the most amusing way your cat has woken up?

  1. My cat has reached out and swatted my eyes while I was dreaming and my eyes were moving around. It startled me awake because, like, she hit me in the face. She was just sitting next to me and when I woke up she didn’t meow or anything so it didn’t seem like she actually woke me to be fed or let out. She just saw a weird thing and touched it, waking me up was just a side effect.

  2. I was deep asleep and suddenly my cat meowed loudly into my ear. Didn’t notice she decided to lay herself right next to me.

  3. She curled up on my face to sleep, nothing like being suffocated by your chonky cat to wake you up lol

    She also tried nibbling my eyelashes once!

  4. This was a couple years ago, but still the best. I had just brought a new kitten home, he was my very first cat. While shy at first, by the evening he had already warmed up into a total love bug. That night, I woke up because I was having a really hard time breathing. And I realized that this little guy was was lying across my neck, legs and arms stretched out like he was superman, belly towards the sky. He chirped at me when I gently moved him off my windpipe and resettled so as much of his body was pressed to my face as possible. I still miss my cozy little guy.

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