I think this person is flirting with me but I wanna be sure .

I have this friend that I meet in book club. She started invited me to meet with some of her other friends and a time or two just us two for coffe and for Christmas market. In almost all of her text it is heart emojis . I sometimes send those back as well. One time when we where talking about something about in the bookclub connected to the book we read in book club, novel about partnership she touched my arm and was like > ok so if I where the wife and you where the husband in this book I would….|

I am super bad at getting if she just a nice straight girl or if she is flirting. I am confused. If she where a man I would immediately think she was flirting. But when it comes to women I’m terrible at reading the room.

We are both f 34 btw. Oh and I invited her along to this concert and before we where at this restaurant with a lot of small dishes where we shared plates and even had one ice cream two spoons. Restaurant was Pinchos Nations for those of you who know the place concept is lots of small dishes to share… but still… idk..

I think she overheard me saying that I am bi . She had boyfriend before but is singel now from what i gather.

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