I (21m) have always been attracted to fat women for as long as I can remember. I like the way that they look and the way that they feel and all that. My question is why? I never remember making that choice, is it just something our brains learn? I sit something we are born with? Everyone in my family is fit, I don’t think I had any overly meaningful interactions with any fat women growing up so I guess I’m wondering how this kinda stuff develops and happens and if my exclusive desire to have sex with overweight women can be unlearned. I don’t have a problem with liking them, but I feel as though I wouldn’t be able to get it up for a girl who was under 200 lbs.

  1. The notion of a kink is that we’re not in control of it. Nor do we know where they necessarily emerge from. They are part of our sexual subconscious.

    I think as long as you treat your partners with respect and basic decency and dignity, it doesn’t really matter who you’re attracted to.

  2. Who gives a shit why? You have a massive field of women that you can go after with relatively minimal competition. Be thankful and go get dem fatties.

  3. I have heard that sometimes it’s the contrast between a fit hard body and the softness and voluptuousness of excess flesh that makes it much more exciting. Makes sense. Also maybe the very idea that it’s taboo, i.e. society tries to tell you that you aren’t supposed to be attracted to overweight women that makes it more exciting. So it’s easy to think of many reasons.

  4. If you truly are attracted to fat women, don’t try to unlearn it. What’s most important is to be able to enjoy pleasure with someone you are really attracted to. If that’s a fat woman, so be it. A fair number of men are attracted to fat women despite them not being desirable to a good portion of men. I, myself, am turned on by a curvy woman and turned off by a stick figure. Others love rail thin women.

    It’s totally natural to think you wouldn’t be able to get it up for a woman that isn’t fat. We get sexually excited, and erect, for women we’re attracted to and have difficulty doing so with women we aren’t attracted to. You aren’t attracted to women who aren’t fat.

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