I’ve been meaning to ask this a long time. Personally find Reddit more meaningful and less addictive. Would love to hear your thoughts!

  1. I’m on reddit more than I am on insta. I barely post pics or chat with friends on Instagram. I also don’t follow anyone. I scroll a few people laugh an bit and move on. Reddit I answer questions and chat with friends so I prefer reddit

  2. I like the anonymity of Reddit because I feel
    much more freedom to give my opinions. On Reddit you can just make a personal statement
    and not too many bullies come after you. I don’t know this for sure, but Reddit seems
    younger, detached, more intelligent.

  3. I probably come on Reddit more now but when insta first came out I was always on it. I dont really post on insta anymore, just tend to have a quick flick through some stories. They are very different though so hard to compare.

  4. I think they’re so different that it’s difficult to compare. They give me completely different things.

  5. I don’t use instagram. I sorta don’t really like social media of that kind, that’s about being a person in a social media space. I have qa facebook account and I only use it as a way to chat with friends specifically, and I’ve lately been moving to discord for it. I have the wrong kind of vanity for something like that

    Reddit feels more like a forum where I get to indulge in specific topics I like, instead of primarily as a means to promote the fact that I exist, even if I do end up talking about myself a lot when relevant. Besides that, reddit is anonymous. It’s great for someone like me who is paranoid about online interactions. It lets me express things that I wouldn’t be able to if people knew me and could see who I was

  6. Reddit. I like the anonymous interaction. I don’t use Instagram. I looked and didn’t get the appeal of it.

  7. I enjoy reddit more, but they’re also just completely different platforms with different purposes.

  8. They are really different. You can’t really compare the 2. But I personally prefer Reddit due to the anonymity and ability to learn so much and have interesting discussions etc.

  9. Reddit

    IG is just “oh hey here’s a photo I can share with friends and family so they know I’m alive or something I guess”

  10. I prefer both: I use instagram for chatting with my friends and showing them things I found on reddit 🤭

  11. They’re both very different platforms so it’s hard to compare. I think I like Reddit more. Instagram feels very performative. Every time I posted something it felt like I was trying to prove something to others. I haven’t deleted it because I talk with a long distance friend on there. Reddit is more casual.

  12. I adore Instagram much more, full of girls like me who are romantic, old fashioned, creative, interesting, folkloric. Forest maidens that’s the only sort of girls I follow, and they always inspire me and move me with their wildly creative content. I am so inspired creatively by insta. I found according to insta stats that I only use insta for forty mins a day so that’s really good.

    Reddit I don’t like at all, not to be offensive but it’s too geeky, male and not that creative a space, it’s more mind/reason orientated. I never come across anyone I have anything in common with. I don’t get gaming culture at all, very popular on here and I just wish there was an alternative. I’d like to stop using reddit honestly. I really hate the awful icons or whatever they are too. It’s just all very geeked out.

  13. Reddit because I like sharing thoughts and discussions, not being bombarded with selfies and platitude memes.

  14. The anonymity here is perfect for an introvert like me. IG is more on business or selfies while you need to be a fab of reading to be here

  15. I don’t have instagram rn. I enjoy Reddit but the censorship is on another level here. Can’t stand it!

  16. Reddit due to the anonimity. I have old school friends and family on Instagram so I have to be careful. Plus, I love being able to stay in a smaller community (subreddits).

  17. Reddit. Insta is only good for semi-mindless scrolling when I’m bored, while reddit actually requires my brain.

  18. Instagram. It’s much easier to avoid rage-bait and incels there. Honestly I might delete Reddit soon. I only have it for my school subreddit and a manhwa sub which is literally the chillest place, but apparently I can’t stop myself from scrolling, and I always inevitably see things that are going to upset me.

  19. Reddit for sure . I don’t like instagram at all and after several failed attempts to like it , i have stopped using it all in all . Deleted my account a few months back and i love it . Don’t wanna go back . Reddit is a hundred times better than that shitshow .

  20. I use them for different reasons. To waste time I’m on my lunch break or over breaky, I like reading stories on reddit. I use Instagram for photos of my dogs and food haha. Basically just like an online photo log for me. When covid took over the news I unfollowed all news and accounts that reported on celebrities. Now my entire feed is dogs and recipe inspo

  21. I don’t have an instagram; I’ve never liked pictures anyway. So obv Reddit

  22. I talk mote on reddit about mote personal stuff, Instagram I’d more gun activity got me. I don’t have favorites with this, just use of fidgeting purpose.

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