What do you talk about with a girl to not come off as boring?

  1. Ask her questions about herself. Everybody loves talking about themselves and you get credit for being a good listener.

  2. Talk about her, ask about her life what she have done and what she wants to do. Maybe suggest doing something. Also answer her questions, no matter what. If she asks something i think i dont want to answer, i still give some of an answer to show her that im not boring.

  3. Ask her about the socially economic states of the plante we reside on and if the politically discharged climate makes her want to seek refuge in a male’s warm embrace

  4. You’re trying to hard if you’re worried about being Boring. Just ask her about herself what she likes or her favorite type of music or food lol.

  5. The problem is usually the other way around. I can jump between a lot of subjects, but you gotta be interested in more than your instagram, snapchat, friends and… knitting. If that’s all you can provide of substantial conversation then i can’t do shit.

  6. Take a deep dive into the glorious history of the Commonwealth of Polish-Lithuania.

    If she can’t keep up. She ain’t the one.

  7. It’s not what you talk about. It’s being able to be interesting. Having conversational charisma.

  8. It really depends on the girl. I think it would be helpful for you to work on conversational skills in general. Eventually you’ll be able to “read the room” and know what topics she finds interesting or boring.

  9. I don’t really worry about that too much. I am concerned about finding someone who finds the things I talk about and do interesting rather than trying to act like someone else. That is content-wise, I wouldn’t change anything.

    With that being said, giving someone a role in the conversation they enjoy having is a good start. Some girls like good story telling, so the same story can become more of a monologue with her, while another girl might enjoy interactive stories more so you might have to tell the story in a way that allows her to engage with you during the story.

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