Got very drunk at my work Christmas party last night, woke up veeery hungover, what’s your hangover cure or what do you do for the day when you’re hungover

Update: Thank you for all the suggestions everyone, after I posted I got a nice fatty breakfast with some coffee, took some Advil, and downed about 4 litres of water over the course of the day with some on and off sleeping, played video games and just chilled out, the usual for when I’m hungover, but now I need to try some of these other suggestions next time, hopefully not too soon lol

  1. I’ve since stopped drinking. But if I’m not working Advil sleep water maybe a stomach pump depends how the night went. If I work I just show up bust my ass and puke all over the apron lmao

  2. Alka Seltzer of any kind. However, I recently saw a version specifically made for hangovers which might be worth a try (blue box, orange label).

  3. I used to never get hangovers. Then I started getting them and I’d deal with them with a bunch of caffeine and Tylenol, then I started just sleeping all day. But then I just stopped getting drunk enough to get hangovers because I’m too old for that shit, and that was the most effective way.

  4. As fun as it is to get on the piss with mates, I don’t miss having a hang over, been dry for 4 months because of a health issue, saving so much coin too. 😂

    Usually a greasy feed when I get home at 6 AM, water, Panadol, sleep as much as I can.

    Steak sandwich, iced coffee. 👌🏻

  5. I’ve heard that it’s been scientifically proven that fatty greasy food helps. So I guess bacon and eggs should do the trick.

  6. Hangovers are mostly the result of dehydration of your brain and body. Alcohol tends to dry out body tissues.
    The best way to avid hangovers is to drink 2 glasses of water, cans of soda, cups of coffee, etc., before going to bed drunk. In the morning if you are hung over, start your day by drinking more water to hydrate your brain and body.

  7. Not me but a coworker came to work the day after her birthday hungover. I told her to eat a banana, it worked. So if it ever happened to me I’ll have to try it

  8. Once I puke in the morning I feel great. Then I hydrate and rest. Stay away from anything that could upset or your stomach

    Edit: JFC this is if you were absolutely blasted. If youre just regular hungover you probably wont puke

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