When I had sex the first time, I cummed 3 times over a course of 3 hours and I still had an erection for round 4.

Yesterday (3rd time having sex), I cummed twice in 30 mins. and then when I got an erection for the 3rd round, I lost the erection mid PIV.

Are there things that I can do like some habits or lifestyle changes, that would help me last for multiple rounds during sex?

  1. Edging practice – mind control – self awareness – tantric meditation. If all fails try half a pill of viagra and delay cream(sprinkle on the tip of the edge of your penis) good luck

  2. Edging until you can do it for a long time, and then practice edging without cumming a few times.
    Do cum at the end though to not be in pain lol.

    Do the tip mostly and do it with real intention to cum, without cumming.

    Taking sensitivity breaks is not just alright, if you need it it’s required.

  3. It’s almost entirely your biology. A variety of hormones contribute to sex drive, erections and refractory period(the time between erections).

    Even erectile dysfunction medication doesn’t prevent a refractory period. Your penis needs a rest. Too long of an erection can cause permanent damage to your penis. The longer than 4 hours erection time listed by ED medication manufacturers is an average.

    Most people simply wait it out and enjoy other activities until you’re ready to go again. Your partner may also want a rest. Sex isn’t entirely about penis-in-a-hole thrusting. Try and mix it up during your refractory period.

    Your options for proven erection function are limited. They include:

    Regular moderate exercise. Particularly cardiovascular, as it’s mostly about blood flow.

    Erectile dysfunction medications, which can cause problems if you don’t actually need them.

    I imagine that a healthy diet would also improve things. Low fat, low cholesterol would tend to improve circulatory health. Not as much stuff clogging up your arteries.

    Everything else is likely nonsense, superstition or outright snake oil.

  4. Based on what you’ve described I don’t think you have any problem… Being able to cum multiple times, 2 or 3 as you described, is pretty good… at somepoint everyone’s body will have a longer refractory period it needs to recover.. also as the newness wears off it might be normal to have more or a refractory period.

    In my twenties I needed like 0 – 5 min between rounds for the first 2 or so rounds a little longer after the 2nd or 3rd.

    As I got older most of the time I need somewhere between 5 – 20 min between rounds unless I’m super horny.

  5. For M, any advice on last longer during each rounds? And any recommendations for items like these delay sprays I keep hearing about and etc?

  6. Being healthy in general is always a good idea. A good diet and working out will positively impact almost everything.

    That said, there is no magic formula to decrease your refractory period.

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