I am 19(M), and I am a patient transporter at my local hospital. I very much like my coworker who is 18 (F), and I think she may be interested in me also.

My coworker and I talk and mess around with each other in a joking manner. One day we were all sitting around in the break room when I got a run on my work phone. It was just a equipment run, a IV pump up to a nursing floor. (Equipment runs are one of the easiest to do)

Anyways, my coworker asked me what run I got, I told her it was just a equipment run, and she said that she was going with. I asked her if she also had a run, which she said no. So I was pleasantly shocked that she wanted to walk with me, especially knowing that as transporters, we are on our feet walking all day long.

So as we are walking, I have a huge smile on my face the whole time. The thought that someone wanted to take their time, to walk with me!? That is a great feeling! I asked her what her plans were for the weekend, she said she had testing at her college to do, and she asked what my plans were too. I start asking her more questions and we start going back and forth with each other. The whole time I was in disbelief because I never had someone want to walk with me, so I didn’t talk as much as I wanted because I was in my head thinking too much. But I don’t care about that because stuff happens.

After my run, I got another one, and we had to part ways, but I thanked her for her company before she left. After that I couldn’t stop thinking about our interaction. I was filled with joy and gratitude because she took the time out of her day to spend with me. During my next run I couldn’t get her out of my mind, I knew I had to get her number or her snapchat. I had a little less than an hour left of my shift, and I kept getting runs after runs. I was scared that by the time I got back to the break room, she would be on her own run, and I wouldn’t get the chance to get her snap. This thought ran through my mind but I stopped it before it could infect it. I realized that there will be a tomorrow, and I will see her the next time she works so I shouldn’t worry because I can get it next time I see her.

I calmed down, finished my run and made it back to the breakroom where she was sitting. I got my things packed, as I was about to leave work. I built of the confidence, walked up to her and said ” hey give me your snap” I figured it would be better if I didn’t say “hey can I have your snap?” I like being straight up. Well after saying that she instantly gave it to me and added me back.

I snapped her the next day and asked her how her test went. She responded an hour later with a picture of herself smiling very big and saying that she hasn’t gotten the scores back. I told her that she will get a good score because she is a smart person from what I’ve seen of her. She responded back maybe 3 hours later saying that she passed, with another big smile.

Things appear to be going good, and to be honest I don’t know what I really want from this. The thought of us being friends is amazing because I really don’t have any friends, and I would rather make friends rather than romantic partners while I’m on my journey of my personal health. But all night I was kept up with the thoughts of us being romantically together, even as I tried to shut down the thoughts, they kept rushing back! I shut them down because I don’t want to get my hopes up about something that is only in my mind. But maybe those thoughts are good, and rather than shutting them down, I should accept them and understand them. No matter what happens, I am grateful that she is in my life and I appreciate her show of kindness at work.

Thank you everyone!

  1. Yes, she is absolutely 100% interested in you .

    OK, 99.99%, because you never know for sure.

    The only way to find out for sure is to ask her out.

    I would suggest asking her to something you like doing, then you can see if you share similar interests.

    Or you can just ask her to a movie…. Like Avatar….

    Just do it by text if you’re too nervous in person.

  2. Roll with it. Don’t expect an outcome, because you set up expectations. Be there in each moment that makes up your interactions, whether they’re over snapchat, over a phone call, or in person. She likes you, and you like her. You have always been enough to be liked by someone else. Go enjoy yourself and see where it takes you 🙂 you are two separate people, which means you can work on yourself while being with someone else romantically. Continuing to work on yourself and pursue your own interests and hobbies, setting future goals and working towards them, these are very healthy things to do while in a relationship.

  3. I loved reading this, put a big smile on my face. It does sound like she is into you, dont take that from me im bad at picking up signs. You handled everything very well and I wish you the best!

  4. Is she ? Maybe. But at least we know that she likes you as a friend for sure.
    I love your attitude about this whole situation. You re excited and also nervous and maybe a little bit over thinking. It would be better if you stop overthinking thingd imo though.

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