i withdrew socially from people because i was depressed and stopped talking to a lot of friends months ago.

today one of them congratulated me for winning a competition, even gave me a gift for it. i just feel so guilty, we havent spoken in ages and i tried to respond and tell them how i was surprised they did all that. then i tried to ask how they were doing recently they just gave a one sentence response then added, “ive got to sleep now, don’t stay up too late. talk to you tomorrow” that was the last message they sent. i replied back with goodnight

i dont know if im overthinking it, because i feel like maybe im pushing it? maybe they just arent comfortable with speaking to me anymore? i do want to apologise to them for socially withdrawing and all that, but at the same time i want to know how they’ve been since we stopped talking.

i think our convo stopped a bit abruptly so i find it hard to even think of something to say.

  1. I do this a lot, try not to think too much, it’s ok to apologise that you’ve been quiet, we all have our issues…

  2. Thry have reached out to you. So it appears that they still are interested in you.

    Send them a message “sorry to have been out of touch, I went through a rough patch”

    It is good that you are doing a bit better. You don’t have to feel bad about your choices when you were having a tough time.

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