Pretty cut and dry – they gave us gifts and took us out to lunch. I was not thinking at all and asked to give them hugs (out of gratitude) in front of co-workers at the table. I left to was my hands and returned, pretty certain no one else gave hugs.

I realized quickly why it was not appropriate. The workplace im in is pretty on the up-and-up on everything regarding consent and touch etc. I’m just wondering if I take the lead and address but with them so they know I’m aware of my actions?

TDLR; I messed up and hugged my supervisors in front of staff. Is it approximate if I just apologize to them when I’m in the office tomorrow? Not in front of everyone.

  1. >asked to give them hugs

    This is the key right here. You didn’t just hug them out of the blue, you ASKED first.

  2. Why exactly do you need to apologize?

    You got a gift. You thanked them for that gift. What is the problem here?

  3. I agree that this is mildly inappropriate / can put someone in an uncomfortable situation… but honestly, it was a special event and a special gift – not an every day thing.

    I think you should just let it go and learn from your mistake. No need to call it out again as it was a one-off situation.

  4. I’m not sure what problem there is about this… I’d understand if you’d just gone for it with no asking first but you asked and you came back, no mention of any vibe being off at all. What makes you this worried about a hug that was consented to?

  5. I think you are over thinking things. If you happen to notice the dynamics have changed with these people, then apologize. If not move on. As someone said later in the comments everyone needs a hug now and then.

  6. While it may not be considered “professional” you asked and got permission, so I don’t think you really crossed any serious lines. If it bothers you, don’t do it again. If you feel compelled, just apologize to the people you hugged. Explain that you are very appreciative, but understand that it wasn’t professional.

  7. I see nothing wrong with this!! If someone asked me if they could hug me I would 100% say yes, hugs are hard to come by and are good for your health.

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