Its not often that both of us have the time. He’s quite high up now. And my job is busy as hell. So here was a good opportunity since I had some leave from work.

Yet in the end I decided not to for some reason. I felt it wasn’t worth the journey as I’m not really in the best of moods and I rather be doing something else (but I’m not really doing anything else that important)

Not sure what came over me here. It seems to be an attitude I have had in recent years toward many activities. The can’t be assed rather be somewhere else attitude.

  1. In my experience, I wasted a lot of time waiting for the right mood. And I also found that my mood was affected more positively in action than in action. For me, it was a matter of momentum. If I was feeling down, I tended to stay down. But as I moved towards different feelings through action, the momentum changed in my favor.

    If you didn’t want to see your mate, that’s cool. But if you find yourself repeatedly putting away opportunities like that, to go out, to do things, then you may be more concerned.

  2. When depressed we don’t feel like meeting people and putting on a brave front. Avoidance is far simpler and we tell ourselves we have some better to do when we don’t. Talking about why you feel down helps to get out of that mindset.

  3. Works both ways pal. He could have come to see you. I’m having this issue with a family member. Always complains that I never go and see them. When I point out that I still live in the same place and they could have come to see me, all I get is “well I don’t know what shift you are doing”. This is despite working the same shift for the last 15 years, and they could just text before coming. Winds me up.

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