Hi everyone,

Me and my first girlfriend have broken up after about 5 years of being in a relationship a few weeks ago. This was a friendship that blossomed into a romantic relationship. So I dont have much experience with this nor do I think I’m good at this. I’m personally having a difficult time with that itself in general.

I’m just trying to put myself out there and meet new people to just even talk to. I figured it would help me not think about my ex and to just keep me social.

I know plenty of people suggest dating apps and I’m currently on there. Embarrassingly I am on a handful of them and I have had no luck so far. I am also still in school but it is 100% online so me meeting someone on campus is not likely.

I just feel lost and have a loss of hope. What am I doing wrong? How do I approach girls with coming off in a creepy or disrespectful way? What am I doing wrong? Any advice is really appreciated. Thank you!

  1. Bro I’m in a similar situation. 19 yr old, five months back my gf of two years and I broke up. I’ve cold approached 32 girls and I’ve got nothing to show for it

  2. i (21 f) definitely recommend going out! i have met some great people at bars and at parties. and the best interactions are when you are yourself. meet friends of friends and just talk to them. i have great interactions with people who just want to get to know me and i get to know them. ask about major, hobbies, how do you know these people too, etc. a lot of people are significantly more talkative when drunk, so you and whoever you are talking to can probably laugh and have a good conversation together. just make sure you’re giving her space and don’t ask any potentially uncomfortable questions. if she seems to respond well you can ask if she has snapchat, insta, something like that. just try to be friends first 🙂 and give yourself time to heal too. meeting new people is great, but don’t let that distract you from any feelings you need to process from your current breakup. hope this helps <3

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