19f here. am kinda embarrassed to tell anyone irl about this but i want to get it off my chest, and also get some advice. Not sure if this is the correct sub, so please redirect me if need be

tldr i have an online friend and we got close pretty fast and became good friends. He confessed to me a month ago but i didn’t want to start anything then because he was also getting over another girl in his country so i didn’t want to be a rebound or anything.

he was pretty persistent but i kept rejecting him despite my confessing back, so he got over me recently and now he’s dating that girl he was tryna get over in his country 🤡 because now she wants to be w him

Honestly i don’t even know how to feel right now.
I didn’t want to get into a rship w him then because i felt like a choice – AND I CAN DO BETTER RIGHT?! 😭, but now that he’s w that same girl i feel fecking salty.
I’m just thinking about them getting married in the future and i’m here crying in my pillow.

We are still good friends now and we just had a chat today, and i really do enjoy my time with him, and he says that i’m a good friend of his too, but i just can’t get over him yet?

I don’t know how to get over him and whether I should distance myself from him. He’s a close friend and i really do value him a lot and i don’t want to feck up the friendship but i don’t know how healthy it is for me to be getting salty thinking of him and that girl together.

I don’t think i’ve ever met someone i can vibe with so well ( in the whole 19 years of my life) so it just makes me sad knowing that i may not find someone i like that much.

I also went on dating apps to try to get over my crush, but the people i met on the apps were really not it 😭 it just confirmed my belief that i won’t meet someone i’ll vibe with so well and i feel even more crappy right now.
I also decided to sext w random dudes online (anonymously) to try to extinguish my loneliness and horniness but i just feel even worse after despite it being fun in the moment.

I feel bad that I feel bad because I feel that I’m wasting my time feeling bad about it.

Idk what to do. I want to feel better and see him platonically and be happy for him.

But i cant yet. I need help!

1 comment
  1. First of all, as you admit yourself it’s not a good feeling and that’s just about it.

    It’s rare to find someone you really vibe with and also when you are young and less experienced but trust me you will find lot of remarkable people and maybe a companion too. If being with him brings out nostalgia and regret then you should be conscious about it. Don’t pressure yourself too much and fill more meaningful stuff in your life. Picture 5 years down the line where you will still be chilling with other awesome people and laugh this off. Be patient and learn things. Let me know any follow up questions. Cheers!

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