What is the best thriller you’ve ever read and why?

  1. The best thriller I’ve ever read is The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins. It’s a fast-paced, suspenseful story with an unreliable narrator that keeps you guessing until the very end.

  2. I would recommend you Red Queen by Juan Gómez Jurado, it’s a Spanish thriller that it’s well written and incredible famous in Spain and some countries (it’s been translated to some languages) and they’re currently recording a tv series for Amazon Prime. It’s a whole saga so if you like this one you can have more content.

    I loved first of all that for the first time there was a really famous book in Spanish by some Spanish author. Here in Spain there’s amazing writers but it’s extremely hard to get that level of sales and famous. Like I am amazed how many people I know has read the book without me knowing it or talked about it. A part for the popularity is a book where you are really intrigued by the mistery, who is behind it and more important that this person is just a pawn in the whole game a mastermind is behind and as you read book after book you get more information about it.

    For the protagonist you have Antonia Scott, is a very intelligent person that you can clearly see her talent but at the same time being this intelligent has a lot of consequences for her past and her future.
    Also we have Jon Gutiérrez, a policeman that lost her job and now he accepted a hard mission to clean his name.

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