I’m (24f) am still relatively new to anal play. My bf (27m) really enjoys it, and we do it every time we have sex now. I was hesitant at first, but with proper prep, I enjoy it.

But my question is, my bf will prep me with his finger usually, and last time he put those fingers in my mouth (and his). I didn’t think anything at the time cause I was caught up in the moment, but now I’m wondering, is that okay? Like can we get sick from doing that? He does it when he’s fingering me vaginally, and I don’t mind, but is this also okay?

  1. Generally speaking, you’ll probably be fine. But if it’s something you’re going to do regularly, from either side of the relationship, make sure to properly clean yourself.

    The risk is relatively low, but potentially severe.

  2. It’s generally best to avoid ass to mouth unless you’ve had a thorough douche prior. But I’ve actually read that as long as it’s your own ass to your own mouth and not another persons ass, it’s not as potentially harmful as you’d think. But I’m not sure how true that is, just read it somewhere online

  3. Feces has quiet a lot of very nasty bacteria, viruses and can have nasty parasites. E. coli, Salmonella, Shigella, Noro, Roto, to name just some. Read up on those and you will probably not be willing to risk it. E. coli, Salmonella, Shigella and Roto being the worst. Shigella complications alone are enough reason to avoid. The capabilities of the lower G.I. tract to protect you from these is far superior to the upper G.I. tract where infection is likely if present . If you’re ever around a cancer patient undergoing intensive chemo, you will likely witness firsthand just how sick some of these can make you, especially when they experience sepsis. Ingestion of feces bacteria and virus can also sometimes cause sepsis.

  4. I’ve eaten ass for a little longer than you’ve been alive, and do not recall me or any of my partners ever getting ill. That includes pentetration with a finger or thumb, going ATM on the regular, and a few women going from ATM once or twice.

    The probability of getting ill seems low, but when my face is in my happy place, I’ve never believed that I was in a sterile environment.

  5. Personally, I think any transfer of ass to mouth or ass to vagina is both unsafe and disgusting.

    I fully realize that there are some people who are into such things and see a lot of posts here about eating ass. Perhaps I’m just an old foggy but my understanding is that it’s very unsanitary and could definitely lead to infection and getting sick.

    My wife and I do occasionally engage in anal play but either are very careful with the body parts that have been there to avoid any contamination of other body areas and/or go wash up a bit before moving onto other activity’s.

  6. Getting sick from the finger in your mouth is pretty low, but you can still have problems. Just don’t ever let him go from anal to vaginal–toy, penis, finger… absolutely never. That is an infection you don’t want. But tbh, my partner is a big fan of ass to mouth and I fucking hate it. So if you’re not sure if you enjoy it, I would figure that out and nip it in the bud early by explaining it just doesn’t do anything for you or bothers you (if it does). Better to discuss it early so he doesn’t spend a long time thinking you’re both into it.

  7. From your own ass into your own mouth isn’t going to harm you.

    From your own into HIS mouth is far riskier. Your body knows your bacteria. His…doesn’t.

  8. It is safe, but whether it is ok or not, it your decision.

    I enjoy it, and I would argue, that since you didn’t mind it in the moment, it seems to be ok for you.

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