What ‘topic’ do you absolutely avoid during a family get together?

  1. This year its politics. Our family is on the other side, but their (mostly) husbands supports a son of a dictator running for the president. We’re trying to think of some ways to change their minds but its very hard… we don’t know how they grew up, and its confusing because they are older, they should have known better.

    We try not to open up the topic to not stress our grandma with dementia 🚶🏻‍♀️ and even she doesn’t want that son to win when she’s aware.

  2. Religion. At least I try to. Somehow it always gets brought up even with the extra effort to avoid it!

  3. Honestly, almost anything not light these days.

    My dads health conversations result in everyone emotionally dumping on me and leaving me feeling like I’m drained and depressed. Which is where I usually start off anyway.

    Politics are a minefield because I’m the only liberal in the room.

    My brother, often not present at family events, was verbally abusive to me for most of my life. Since he had a motorcycle accident, everyone tries to check in with me to see how he’s doing not realizing I haven’t spoken to him in six years.

    (He did reach out through text a year ago, trying to guilt me into a relationship, which was fun.)

    My moms whole side is anti vax though, so we’re just not going to see them at holidays ever again, which is nice. My father is a whole organ transplant recipient who just finished treatment for skin cancer, so no one who is not vaxxed can really be around him.

  4. Bitcoin, my uncles go on and on about it. And golf or else we end up not being able to leave until we’ve finished watching whatever golf competition is going on. I have no idea how they enjoy it, everyone sits in anticipation and tension

  5. Religion and having children… it always comes up and makes me want to leave. I’m so pleased I live on the other side of the world and I can simply not attend any get togethers

  6. Like for Thanksgiving or Christmas huge family gatherings? 3 ex that continue to show up. Not mine, mind you. Uncle, aunts and cousins ex’s.

  7. I prefer to talk about the weather cause oh boy politics, LGBT +, and religion is just a 🤕 headache waiting to happen

  8. Politics, but its actually unavoidable because theyll always bring it up anyways!

  9. Dating… I am single and I hate when my family starts talking about my future… at this moment “non existing future” and honestly I feel that I might never date anyone and get married but they still talk about that and want me to get married to some guy and have kids… I don’t even like kids that much and would probably adopt bc idea of giving birth scare the s outta me

  10. I no longer have contact with my family. They won’t even admit to having problems with alcohol, let alone doing anything about it.

  11. Jesus.

    My family is southern and very Christian, which is fine but half of them are pastors/reverends. They can go on for a looooooong long time and I’m usually just trying to eat.

  12. Many of my views on “women things” like abortion, birth control, parenting, etc.

  13. Politics, parenting styles, sex, religion, romantic relationships, death and dying, cancer, funerals

  14. My sister.

    She doesn’t talk to my mom, my mom doesn’t talk to her.

    I don’t talk to my sister and my sister doesn’t talk to me

    My mom still takes her side though.

  15. Politic, immigration, guns and other weapons, differents culture. But then this mostly just when one specific person is there otherwise everyone can discuss open without being racist and getting into fight.

  16. Anything regarding LGBTQ+ people. Since I am queer I can’t stand to hear my family bash them and talk about how they need to die

  17. LGBTQIA+… i’m not a homophobe, i am apart of it. my family in older generations though are.

  18. Anything about the lgbt community. My parents religion pretty much determines their beliefs on that subject.

  19. Religion and politics, unless it’s just me and my sister. My parents are pretty religious and conservative and I am neither of those things.

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