28(M) here, looking to hear your experiences on first dates via dating apps.

Just broke up recently and trying to get back to the online dating scene. Been using dating apps on and off for ~5 years. Did meet a couple of individuals that I became attached with, however I tend to notice that a majority of my dates do not seem to get pass the first one.

So here’s my question since I have no idea who to turn to. (1) Is it normal to have dates not progress pass the first one? (2) any ideas for interesting first date activities and (3) for sake of curiosity, on average how many matches do men get usually ( I get around ~10-15 ish per week)? seems like it is a numbers game for men?

Why I’m asking Q1 is because I get the feeling that I am not interesting/exciting enough for things to progress further. Am currently working on self-improvement and taking up new hobbies, but I still suffer from lots of self-doubt.

  1. >Is it normal to have dates not progress pass the first one?

    Yes. That **is** the normal

    >Why I’m asking Q1 is because I get the feeling that I am not interesting/exciting enough for things to progress further.

    It’s not about being “exciting”. It’s about if you’re something they have chemistry with and find attractive. If we’re not making it past the 1st date, one of those 2 things is being clearly shown as a “no”… and that’s ok. We can’t control that.

  2. Dates not progressing after the first one is mainly due to a woman not feeling enough emotion that she wants to invest in you, as well as there being a lack of sexual chemistry and emotional fluidity.

    If you want to do an activity for a date, it’s important to choose something that’s going to express who you are, whether that’s going on a hike, or going to a museum, it’ll allow you to show your true authentic self.

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