The thing is i know that i can sometimes speak louder but thats just it.In my perception i only speak louder but everyone says i am screaming like wtf?But everytime people say that to me i notice it myself but thats the problem i only realise when people are annoyed with me and telling me that.

Why do i even speak so loud in first place? it feels like have no controller over my volume on my voice lol.

I still think that i just talk louder but alot of people tell me i am shouting lol.My ears are fine so its not that

  1. I know you said your ears are fine, but have you had them checked? I worked with someone like this, who was always screaming lmao, and it was a very fixable hearing issue

  2. Could you possibly feel so much nervous energy that you cope with the growing anxiety by speaking louder and louder without even realizing it?

  3. Have you had your hearing tested? My husband is partially deaf (significantly reduced hearing in one ear) and he has learned to moderate his voice volume but when he gets drunk he forgets and gets really loud.

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