How do you think your friends would describe you?

  1. Big muscly man’s man who reposts ducks with flower hats and ferrets on his Facebook page

    ^almost word for word how I was described lol

  2. Bat shit Crazy, just because I like to hike mountains, fly single engine planes, ride motorcycles, travel to obscure destinations, have sex with woman half my age. I’m 59 yo and I’m not done living yet.

  3. Based on experience: professionally – “a great person, good supervisor, a pleasure to work with” and another good things; outside or professional environment: every vile thing they can think of to stain my image lol

  4. As an amazing person

    All my friends have told me amazing things about myself. So I’d expect them to say really great things about me.

    That I’m loyal, I’m fun to be around, I talk a lot, I’m caring, I’m giving etc etc.

    Sure, me and 2 of my male friends constantly roast and rip on each other for a laugh but I’ve also had really nice heart to heart talks with them. So I know the friendship there is strong.

  5. Short, fat, gay, fluffy hair, green eyes, beard, great at what he does, friendly but quite, kind of weird, very supportive, diabetic.

  6. As someone who’s always there for them. And that i’m very sensitive and have a huge need to be social.

  7. Depends on the friend. Usually positive things for whatever reason we are friends to begin with.

    The interesting question would be how would my ex describe me. She’s seen the worst and best of me.

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