I’m a 23 year old male who gets no action. I struggle even talking to women and it’s making me really depressed. I don’t want to be known as the shy guy who gets no action anymore. What do I do?

  1. why does it make you depressed

    >I don’t want to be known as the shy guy who gets no action anymore

    maybe stop viewing women and sex as commodities or something idk

  2. You talk to women… no really. It’s hard because you’re not used to it, the more you do it the easier it becomes, the easier it becomes the more natural you will be and more successful.

    Seriously, when I was 19/20 I had a hard time saying a sentence to a woman, now I can go up to a group and fit into the conversation just fine. They’re just people too man, just don’t be weird or creepy and you’ll be fine promise

  3. Idk if it would work for you but I was in the same boat until about 8 months ago, started going out more and using drinking as a social lubricant, paying attention to what I did, what works or doesn’t and how people responded to me. I’m usually very introverted but get 3-4 drinks in me I’ll talk to anyone. Ended up losing my virginity at 22 about a month ago, and started seeing a girl. Takes a lot bad before ya get something okay

  4. You have to get uncomfortable before you can get comfortable with talking to women, it’s one of those throw yourself in the deep end and you have to swim situations. The more you do it, the better you’ll become at it.

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