Do you feel the need to look your best every time you leave the house? Is makeup important for you to feel put together?

  1. I love makeup, but don’t wear it unless I’m working or for a social event. I can go out with or without it to the grocery or for errands, etc.

  2. No, and no. I try to have clothing on, and sunscreen, that’s my requirement for leaving the house in general.

    For work I do try to look professional, but I don’t wear makeup to work, just make sure I’m clean and smell good and am suitably dressed.

  3. Yes and yes. People will judge by your general appearance, that’s just how it is. I envy people who don’t care, actively chooses to go against normal and expectations or whatever, but I’m not like that. I care even what random strangers that passes my by on the street might think about me, so makeup and a thought-out outfit is my absolute bare minimum.

  4. If I leave the house to run to the store idc what I look like at all. If I go to work I just put on concealer and brush my hair. On the weekends I like to have my hair and makeup done completely before I leave the house.

  5. I wear makeup everytime I leave the house. I’ve been wearing makeup for 10+ years – it’s part of my routine and I don’t feel put together without it 🙂 not fussed about necessarily looking my best per say, but I like to feel put together!

  6. I feel the need to look like myself when I leave the house so I skip makeup all the time and go natural always. Too many other things to prioritize, my looks aren’t helping me achieve my goals anyways

  7. I wouldn’t say my BEST. Like I’m not going to spend an hour on my make-up and hair just to run to the corner store to pick up milk. But I would spend 10 minutes on basic make-up and putting on real clothes. Would I judge a woman I see at the store without make-up? Not at all. I do judge people when I see them at the store in PJ pants though.

  8. I believe you feel good when you look good… I don’t always wear makeup but I try to at least dress nice

  9. I only feel the need to look my “best” for special events, or a date. Otherwise I just go for “not a slob.” I wear makeup for special occasions, and a light amount of makeup for work. Other times I wear it if I’m in the mood.

  10. I only wear makeup when I feel like putting it on, but if I’m leaving the house I am dressed properly. I don’t do sweatpants or even yoga pants outside.

  11. I definitely don’t care about my image enough. Sometimes when I am bored and have enough time to get ready, I will put on some foundation and eyebrows but most of the time I don’t even brush my hair. I do shower though and make an emphasis on smelling nice and moisturizing, but that’s probably the bare minimum.

  12. Maybe not my absolute best but I do always make sure I’m presentable, clean, and pulled together. I only wear make up on special occasions so I don’t need it to feel pulled together. Having my hair done makes me feel more put together than makeup.

  13. Yes it does matter. People treat you how you treat yourself.
    Who would you take more serious..someone with a tank top/shorts or someone with a suit?

  14. Who is really going to answer this question with “yes image important to me” it’s self-selecting, you’re going to get all the people who say “hell no” upvoted to the top

  15. Nah, I don’t even wear makeup cause it’s too expensive and I’d rather spend money on having a bettter skincare routine or other things of higher priority.

  16. At home no but when I leave the house I just put on light make up just so I don’t look like a dying fish.

  17. Mascara is very important for me to feel good/ put together. I have blonde hair so my eyelashes are invisible if I don’t have mascara on and I’ve been told
    a lot I look “sick” without it. So yes I mostly have it done every time I leave the house unless I’m just staying in the car or sick.

  18. No, I don’t feel the need to look my best. Makeup is part of my morning routine now. I’d love to leave the house without makeup on, but the handful of times I have I’ve had multiple comments on if I’m feeling ok/if I’m well. It makes me really self conscious.

  19. As long as I am dressed decent and appropriately,smell nice….I don’t care for makeups and the extra. Although occasionally,I treat myself and make extra effort.

  20. My image is important but more stuff like my traits and personality. I don’t wear makeup and leave my place looking like an ogre or teddybear or whatever at times.

  21. I used to until I got a new job. Now I work early shifts at a messy job (anywhere from 4am onwards in a bakery) so I’m not only going off the least amount of time to get ready in the morning, I just get so covered in flour and butter at work that there’s no point in making myself presentable, especially since I don’t work with the public. I do love getting dressed up and using makeup, but I’d say I only use it 2-3 days a week now.

  22. I use make up like I am heading out to battle. Only use it when I need it in order to be treated well when I am needing to procure services or need to be taken seriously like medical appointments, real estates transactions, attorneys, etc.

    I learned in my 20’s that people don’t harass you or stalk you as much if you wear your glasses, don’t shave, and no make up. Less life drama that way.

  23. No I don’t wear make up.

    Otherwise it depends where I’m going. If I’m going to work I like to look presentable and wear decent clothes. But if I’m stepping out to walk the dogs or go to the grocery store I don’t really care how I look.

  24. I used to wear makeup all the time, but ever since eyelash extensions, I don’t feel that I need it as much anymore. It’s also insanely annoying to take off makeup with extensions in.

    I do always have some sort of put together outfit though!

  25. Im a happy slob, walk my dog in my pjs every morning. I shower most days and keep good hygiene but how I look doesn’t really matter. Can’t remember the last time I wore make up but sometimes I feel like a pamper and will dress up even if I’m just in the house. I just go with what makes me comfortable could be pjs, joggers or a dress I feel it’s all clothes in the end.

  26. More than I’d like to admit.

    I’m more ink than bare skin at this point anywhere below my neck, both the spouse and I are massive gym rats, and we ended up having me get my boobs done not that long after I got done nursing our last kid.

    I don’t make a giant deal out of any of that most of the time but yeah there’s been some $$ involved in that adventure.

  27. I almost never wear makeup anymore and if I do it’s really just a tinted moisturizer, and some mascara. But that’s maybe once every two weeks or if I have some type of event to go to.

    If I’m just going to the store I’m not going to put my best dress on but I try not to leave the house in obvious pajamas.

  28. I don’t wear makeup. I make sure that im neat and clean looking. Ironed clothes. Combed hair.

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