Here is my situation – I’m good looking and I get girls but I still have this fear of getting rejected. These days whenever I talk to a girl I just assume that she’s not interested or something. It’s just hard for me to get past the talking stage even tho the conversation is going good sometimes. Ik nobody’s gonna act down bad for me after the first few texts but it’s just a feeling I can’t escape.

  1. You should ask a girl out just to get a feeling for rejection, it isn’t as bad as it seems, You’ll hurt for a bit, but you’ll always bounce back, so long as you’re charismatic and polite, you’ll find someone in no time.

  2. You find it difficult to get passed the “talking stage” meaning your fear of rejection brick walls you, regardless of these good looks? So you need advice from the internets for affirmation that these girls will not reject you and you are indeed attractive? Go for it, ask them all on dates, shoot your shot, let that hubris lead the way.

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