Sometimes when I’m doing exercises I catch other guys staring at my crotch whilst I’m doing whatever it is that I’m doing. Now it’s not that noticeable unless you intentionally sit down and gawk at it or focus and fixate on it whilst I’m walking by. There’s nothing I can do to hide it as the trousers I wear are already very baggy so there’s not much I can do.

But what I want to know is what the staring is all about. If I saw a guy with a bulge I would notice it once, maybe look again to verify what it is, then never look again. But the guys in my gym literally stop and stare, thinking I’m too preoccupied to notice, but I do. Why??

  1. Well we tend to stair at things that are taboo or things we dont see every day.
    No reason behind it

  2. For me it’s not the bulge per se, but I’m amused by the “diaper look” that I’m seeing more and more, where shorts are scrunched to hide the bulge and it just looks like a diaper.

  3. This is the first time i’ve ever hear of something like that. You may have a disturbing big shit inside your pants or maybe there is a lot of gay dudes in your gym and you are oblivious about it hahahaha

  4. I guess now you can say what it feels like to be a women at the gym or any where else and all guys and other people who either stare at their boobs or butt.

    Maybe they’re mentally seeing if they’re bigger then you. I wouldn’t know. I don’t go to the gym

  5. No man stares at another man’s crotch. Even if they’re gay, they have more couth than that.

    I suspect your post is full of it.

  6. tell us again how you ‘verify the bulge,’ haha. gyms are gay, confirmed. I work out at home by sitting here, typing quietly.

  7. Jesus, askmen posts these days. 9 out of 10 posts seem to be this kind of feeble shit. What’s happened to this place. I’m on the point of leaving.

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