I have been dating a guy for 2 months now and our relationship is going more towards to the serious side as we have been exclusive for a bit now, met each others families, etc
It is his birthday this week and we are going to eat together to celebrate it. What would be an appropriate birthday gift for someone you haven’t known that long? I was planning on paying for dinner + writing a card but would also like to give him a little something
I asked what he asked for Christmas to have ideas and he said socks and boxers which doesn’t help at all….
He’s into sports (soccer, cross country,) and music (plays the drums) I don’t really know his other hobbies
Any help would be appreciated!

  1. Does he like any particular type of candy?

    I would love a nice box of chocolates, card and dinner for a birthday gift that early in a relationship.

    It’s nice but not too extravagant, which may come across as weird this early.

  2. >I kind of want to take things slowly and not blow up my chances by directly stating that I like this girl

    You can never have enough socks and boxers. It’s what he needs at the moment, so why not?

  3. Since I’m in more of a situation ship, for his birthday I planned a weekend in the mountains in North Carolina. I booked a fully set up yurt type tent with a bed in it on a lake side about thirty minutes from the mountains. It was about a 4 hour drive from our area. We drove up, swam in the lake, did a fire, slept in the tent; went on a hike to see a waterfall the next day, swam in the lake more, slept in the last day and drove home.

    10/10 would recommend. It’s a great way to give a gift without it being like “oh this is cheap / meaningless” or “this is uncomfortably expensive / too thoughtful for where we are yet” because, truthfully, the trip was as much for my enjoyment as his so it was a mutual gift. Even if we broke up afterwards (not that we did) it still would have been a great experience that I also got to have compared to just giving a gift.

    I think it cost about $300 for the whole weekend; which sounds like a lot for a “gift” but that was also paying for everything for myself too.

    Obviously it doesn’t have to be North Carolina lol but wherever you live there’s probably something cool like that around

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