Is this man not actually interested? or is he just dense? 😂

We met on Tuesday while he was in town. Had good chemistry and have texted each day since. I’ll ask plenty of questions.. get an answer… and that’s it. Not a single “what about you?” after or another question about me. Nothing. Just continues on with fun little banter.

  1. Mention that you’ve noticed he doesn’t ask questions and that you want to have a more reciprocal relationship, emotionally. See if he’ll change. If it’s cluelessness, you’ll find out. And if he’s just not capable/interested in getting to know you, then that’s your answer.

  2. Some people really suck at texting too there’s that. I like people who know how to keep a convo going 🙂

  3. he’s not actually interested in you. He likes you for the fact that he can talk only about himself.

    You deserve better

  4. I can do this sometimes, at least initially, about certain topics, or personal information, as I don’t like to pry into people’s lives too much, and I prefer to get a feeling for what they’re okay with sharing at first. Not for six hours of ongoing conversation by phone though. Try offering a bit of information, and see if he then continues to ask questions about a topic he knows is safe. He might not want to get too close to you, or signal some sort of serious attachment/get attached, or he genuinely might not care, or it hasn’t occurred to him to even ask, because he’s self centered. If he turns everything sexual, that gives you a hint of what he’s mostly interested in concerning yourself.

    In the latter three, I would then basically not offer much information about myself, as a rule, if I continued to talk to them at all in this pattern. Generally, they then might become curious at the lack of information offered, and suspicious in some sense, but I might be stubborn with people who are too much like this, and then refuse to offer more at that point. In social situations that are non romantic, as well. He might be better with stuff like that in person, or he might be nervous. It really just depends on all of the other context clues. What does your gut say?

  5. Woman do this to me pretty often. If it’s one sided then I’d recommend cutting your losses and moving on. Even if it does go a bit further, then the selfish behavior likely won’t just stop there.

  6. I think I’m the opposite to that guy, I enjoy constantly asking about someone because I genuinely want to know how they are, what they’re up to, and if they’re feeling okay when they’re down, and rarely expect them to ask me in return because I don’t think I’m that interesting, and when they do, I always feel a little better, knowing they care enough to ask anyways.

    Going off of my own experience, the guy might just not care, if he isn’t asking about you AT ALL, that says he isn’t interested in your well-being beyond what he can gain from having you in his life, so then you’re better off without him.

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