There this guy I’ve been friends with 4 years and we literally hang out everyday. The problem is every time I have romantic interest in a girl, he always puts so much effort in getting to know the girl and when I fail with the girl he still speaks to them even sometimes on snap even though I lose contact with them. I know he doesn’t make any romantic moves on them because he was head over heels over this one girl for 3 years and only lost his v card to her recently. But this behaviour still makes me uncomfortable especially because when I introduce him to my guy friends he doesn’t put this much effort into getting to know them. It’s just very weird behaviour and so back stabby. I also feel it gives unnecessary attention, like he’s still keeping them relevant and keeps the spotlight on them. And one girl throw me under the bus to him and he didn’t defend me just told me she said so and so. He always keeps me updated about their life from their snap stories and I don’t even care about them. It’s a good 4-5 girls.

Recently me and some girl stopped dating and it was my favourite girl I’ve ever chased after and I told him if he sends her any message even something as simple as happy birthday I would end the friendship with him and I would be angry. She removed me of everything. To get this girl insta you have to be very close to her she don’t give it out to just anyone it took me a month of talking to her daily in person and on snap to get it . My friend talked to her for a total of 5 mins and after I stopped talking to her she sent him a request on Instagram and they follow each other. Obviously on the timing it was obvious on purpose and she has like 33 following and like I said you have to be very close and they are not close. I feel like this was done on purpose since she removed me of everything. And what’s even worst is she added him to private story which you have to be super close to her to be on it. It’s obvious this is on purpose.

My friend saw her story of her graduating and sent her a congratulations message and than told me about it and I literally got so angry at him and went off on him. It’s obvious it’s on purpose and she probably wanted him to show me and was probably even fishing for compliment from specific people since it was on her private story and he just gave her unnecessary attention and fell for her trap. He said I was overreacting and it was just a graduation message and he didn’t take me serious and laughed I tried to tell him it’s about breaking boundaries too because I specifically told him if he messaged her I wouldn’t be happy. I was about to end the friendship but didn’t because later on the call he got emotionally and said he also lost contact with the girl he was head over heels with and he’s all alone and only has me.

I feel he didn’t respect me and I want to talk about the situation again. What should I do? And also he’s not a bad person he bought me a £100 speaker for my birthday and was offering to spend £100 to help on a book I’m working on.

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