I have never had a real job and no career prospects. I have autism. I have a lot of stuff. I live with my parents and they are hoarders. They also have a lot of junk. There is no place to sit down, no place to eat meals, the bathrooms are filled with junk, only one toilet out of three in the house actually works. Nothing gets repaired, nothing gets cleaned, no one visits. I have never eaten at a table in this house. Restaurants freak me out because of the table eating. I am more comfortable eating on the floor. I sleep on the floor. There are bugs sometimes. I get yelled at a lot. The only time I have left this house was when I was growing up and when on school summer camps.

I have basically avoided the situation and have concluded I will remain alone in a hoarding home and there is no hope left for me.

I feel like life has already past me by.

What advice do you have?

  1. I’m so sorry. Do you have a family member or anyone who you trust who you could ask for a room in exchange for chores/errands??? That would be wonderful I think. And you could start there, and maybe explore outside employment.
    I understand hoarding parents. Actually, my dad has autism and is a hoarder. He’s clean-ish but still, it makes me so depressed to think about.

  2. I’m sorry about your situation. I truly am. This sounds horrible. My main advice for you is to try your best to take control of your situation. By the looks of it, it sounds like you are just letting all of these things happen to you as if you are trapped. It might seem like you are but I don’t think so. You have the self-awareness to write this post out so I think you still have some semblance of autonomy in you.

    My advice to you is to get a job, any job. Construction jobs usually take in people with no experience. This job will allow you to move out of this home. That needs to happen as soon as possible. Focus on getting a job. If money is still tight, make sure to avail of your community supports. Food banks are always ready to help.

    You got this bro. Take control of the situation.

  3. I suggest you open an eBay account and start selling all the things around you. No one will know they’re missing and you will start cleaning out the house. Start by selling all this stuff that you don’t use. You can even sell stuff on Craigslist.

  4. Hey, I’d like to help you.

    Everything is going to be okay, and there are people who can help. We are going to connect you with them.

    We don’t know where you live or how your autism affects you, so we can not help you directly. But there are resources available for you to help you in your situation.

    Please visit this link:


    The important part is:

    ***Call our toll-free number or send us an email – we’re available Monday through Friday between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. in all time zones. Live chat is also available between 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. ET.***

    ***Your call will be routed to the team member for your region. We also have a dedicated Spanish language toll-free number.***

    ***1-888-AUTISM2 (1-888-288-4762)***


    You will be able to speak with someone and explain your situation, and they will work with you to identify resources and guidance in your area to help you with your situation.

    It’s okay that you’re over 30. You will have access to services which are designed to help adult individuals with autism, like yourself.

    Your next step is to please call or email the contact information I’ve provided.

    If you choose to email, please be sure to include your location (city/state is fine, you do not need to provide your address) so they can provide you with the right information.

    It is going to be okay. It’s okay that you’re in this situation, and it is okay that you want out of this situation. So please use the information above to connect with others who can assist you.

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