I am only …in my early 20s and I find ..mature women attractive …and hoping in my near future I will have one …but I don’t know how the society will take it …but that’s who I am …if …they ..is the link up ..somewhere …I can find one is much appreciated .or am I on the right track …..🥱🥱🥱🥱

  1. People who care arent the ones you want in your life. You are in your 20ies, make sure you arent being taken advantage of, if not have fun!

  2. I’m 25 M and the 30 year old women I like don’t take me seriously, maybe aim for more casual but I definitely like older women than younger

  3. You do you, don’t worry about what other people think. I only dated older women until well into my 30’s, and I have no regrets.

  4. you like older women because it’s great sex, I was in the same space in my early 20’s I was getting with 30’s and 40’s women regularly. They like the short refractory time a 20’s guy has and I liked the higher sex drive and body comfort they had. neither of us thought the other was looking for a spouse

  5. If you’re going to date women that are older then you have to have your shit together. That means being able to take care of yourself, your money, your health.

    From your post it seems that you just want the sexual experience and not considering the depth and nuances of an adult relationships that they’ve experienced.

    If want to be a boytoy that’s passed around.. workout, dress well, be pleasant, flirt with modesty, and be discreet. If they think you’re going to brag to your bros about your conquest then you’ve already failed.

    There will always be another eager young in waiting and they can wait for you to go thirst mode and ruin it.

  6. What you like is what you like, but please be careful. The types of older women who will be into someone your age are not going to have the best intentions or motivations.

    Trust me, society isn’t judging you (well, maybe people your own age), they’re judging the person on the heavy side of the power imbalance.

  7. I’m on your team friend! A good amount of the women I’ve been with were at least 10 years older than me. What I found is that older women like confidence. You walk up to them and you convince them that you have something they want. You can be a bit less subtle I noticed, it’s completely okay to say “my god you’re a beautiful woman, can I buy you a drink and breakfast?”

    You have to make sure that they don’t see you as immature. They are supposed to see you as young and exciting, so they feel like they’re doing something naughty.

  8. You’ll find that you’ll have some success with fooling around but unlikely to find a long-term relationship that lasts. Though I hope you do find someone!

    I can’t speak for older women, but whenever I’m speaking with them and we’re discussing dating, they talk about how they like to have fun with younger men, but are usually dissatisfied by their immaturity. Whether this is perceived or genuine immaturity, know that this is the thing that makes it very difficult to find long-term relationships with older women.

    All the best. I also quite like older women and it’s so difficult 🙁

  9. if only you know how the world worked

    there’s plenty of mature women looking for someone exactly like you

    8 billion people btw

  10. I’m early 40s (F) and my Tinder inbox is full of men who say this. It’s very common and I’d say more or less socially accepted in the US. There is no special link because millions of men are looking for the same so the same rules apply as getting any woman to be with you.

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