I really like this girl and I think me and her could really click, but we haven’t hung out in person for a while. It’s hard for me to even tell if she’s interested in me cause all we do is text. We text a lot, but I just never hangout with her. We used to like each other but I had some bad issues and mindset regarding dating so I didn’t shoot my shot and I regret it a lot. I just think me and her could get along great but I just feel like Id be too awkward just asking her and stuff. Especially if she doesn’t reciprocate the feelings. I really don’t know what to do or how to even approach her to ask her. I’ve been thinking of dropping subtle hints and stuff but I don’t really know how and I also think it’d be better to just be straight up. Any advice or insight is helpful

  1. Better be subtle to avoid she feeling potentially uncomfortable. Just offer her to go somewhere together and see how she reacts.

  2. You’re problem here is a simple case of fearing rejection. You didn’t shoot your shot in the past and regretted it. Don’t make the same mistake twice.

    Here’s your advice: Get over your fear of rejection and get a pair and ask her out on a date. That’s how you tell if she’s interested. It’s really that simple.

    If she rejects you move on. If she accepts you take it from there.

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