Seeing this girl for a while now, decided to take things slow in the beginning. Fast forward yesterday, we were making out in the car after a drive and it looked like things were heading in the right way. So after going down on each other for a while we decided to do the deed, but the thing is my foreskin got kinda stuck behind and it wasn’t such a great experience altogether.

Any suggestions or inputs from your side? I’ve never experienced such a thing sexually in my life, what should I do

  1. Things they don’t tell you about sex #72: the first time you do it it’s often rubbish.

    Just continue to communicate. Listen to your bodies. Tell each other what feels good. It will get better with practice just like everything else in life.

  2. Can you elaborate on what you mean by stuck behind? I dont understand what you mean by that

  3. You need to lube yourself adequately, and probably experiment with retracting your foreskin fully, and more often I guess. It sounds like it could be a bit tight or your glans a bit large or both.

  4. It never is.dont swear it. Time experience, emotional connection. Atmosphere. All of will enhance or degrade the experience. I lost.mine.and was like, is that it!!?? But the next time was a while longer, and it was with someone I really wanted to be with, and that was the stuff penthouse letters were made of. Take your time either it will be what’s ot supposed to be, or maybe you are just not that into it

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