I just saw a “pigs in blankets” bag of crisps at M&S and it reminded me that Christmas is the season of novelty crisp flavours.

  1. I had the pigs in blanket crisps, not sure if they were M&S though. Tasted more like cheese and onion with a hint of bacon.

    I remember those transform-a-snack crisps had a cheeseburger flavour.not sure how they did it, but it did actually taste of cheeseburger.

  2. Had a bag of camembert and cranberry the other day. Disgusting.

    Don’t know what I was expecting tbh but I like both them things….does not translate to the world of crisps

  3. I picked up what I thought was Pigs In Blankets crisps from Co-Op only to get them home and find out they were FIGS In Blankets. FIGS!

  4. I tried the vanilla ice-cream flavoured Monster Munch in about 2000 when they were briefly out. They tasted authentically like vanilla ice-cream, but it was a very strange texture experience.

  5. I do enjoy browsing the snack aisle at my local oriental supermarket.

    “Hmmmm, there’s a picture of an octopus waving a leek and riding a strawberry on the front of the packet. I need more clues…”

    * turns packet over to read English translation sticker *

    “Flavoured corn snacks’. This tells me nothing!”

  6. Walkers did a baked bean flavour once. And a cheese and branston pickle flavour. Both were incredible

  7. That Builder’s Breakfast that won Walker’s “Do us a flavour” competition. Opening a packet made the whole room smell like an eggy fart

  8. The far East has jellyfish flavour, seaweed, cucumber, squid ink.

    The garlic chicken flavour tho will live with me forever.

  9. Brussels sprouts. The catastrophic taste of Brussels sprouts just without the health benefits. Yuck

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