Where did you meet and how’s the relationship like?
Edit: how does it affect your/their love life?

  1. Online community some years back. It’s good. I’m not really emotionally intimate with anyone, so I share just as little of my deepest thoughts and feelings as I do with my closest female friend. I 100% trust him, though, and I know that I always could count on and confide in him, it’s just that I don’t have the need for it.

    He, on the other end, is very open with me, which I appreciate and I’m happy I can be there for him.

  2. We’ve known each other since high school and, when we lived in the same province, we’d go out for late night drives to just talk about whatever shit we’re going through. We tell each other everything.

    Hasn’t effected either of our love lives that I know of. My current partner and him send each other memes every now and then.

  3. 33 years (since high school) and he knows about everything but my love life. We dated briefly in college and it’s a little weird to me to discuss intimate details of other men with him. But he knows everything else.

  4. My male best friend and I started a new job at the same time. When his apartment closed during covid he moved in with me. We both immigrated to another continent. Our families are far away. We happen to speak to same foreign language (he speaks my native tongue). We tell each other everything.

  5. My husband. I tell him pretty much everything. We met at a club 5 years ago and have been inseparable ever since. It affects our love life pretty positively.

  6. We met in uni and I tell him virtually everything. Is more of a girl friend vibe with him, fully trust him.

  7. We met it school when we were 10 years old, became friends when we were 15 and then have been best friends since we were like 18 (10 years ago now!). He’s the one person in my life that I feel like I can be totally honest and completely myself with. I tell him everything.

    Our friendship has never really affected my love life. I broke up once with a guy because he tried to forbid me from seeing him and my other male friends, but that had nothing to do with my friend and was out of principle. I’m not gonna let my partner forbid me from doing anything.

  8. My husband nowadays. So, obviously net positive for our love life.

    But my best friends used to be nearly all men. Met in high school, continued to be friends until we had kind of a falling out followed by everyone more or less moving out of the area maybe a decade later.

    I think if your opposite-gender friendships are affecting your love life (or theirs) they’re not actually “friendships” and you should examine your boundaries.

  9. My husband. I tell him everything. We met at a bar 23 years ago. It affects our lives by enabling us to talk with each other about anything/everything.

  10. My male best friend is tied between my older brother and my guy friend whom I’ve known since I was 2 years old. I tell them both pretty much everything.

  11. He’s this guy I met when I used to attend the church youth center. Let’s just say we no longer do church nowadays for different reasons.

  12. A guy I met on FB dating. We get along great, but differences in lifestyles ruled out dating. I tell him pretty much everything. He was the first person I told when I found out I was pregnant (unwanted).

    We are both still single & have settled into platonic friendship well. I talk to him about my rollercoaster emotions that arise from my unwanted pregnancy & absent baby daddy. He tells me about his dating stuff. I value him immensely.

  13. My best friend in the world nickname Ziggy. He’s amazing. He believed in my when other people wouldn’t, he got me off the streets to live with him (different bedrooms) and for that alone makes him incredible. My mama never quite understood our relationship. 😅 I’m now with my fiance and Ziggy is a big part of my life. We see each other often and I tell him all the time that I’d probably be dead if I didn’t have him in my life.

  14. Well my best friend overall actually is male and gay. We’ve known each other since we were babies, grew up in small town, in small community, lived in the same building for 10 years. Our parents were never friends, just respectful neighbours, so it wasn’t like they organised our playdates.

    We just always liked each other and accepted each other. When we were kids we’d play both Barbie dolls and cars together and I never questioned that. I somehow always knew he was gay and never thought of it as something strange or different, which in our small town was not something usual.

    I would step in to protect him when some idiots tried to beat him up for being gay. Of course, if I was there. To this day, it’s one of my saddest memories and I think the only negative memory with my friend.

    I had really bad acne growing up and would wear bad cakey make up to cover it, but he never laughed at me, unlike other kids. My teachers bullied me for it too, even though I was a good student. He would still be my friend when I wasn’t cool.

    He knew about my father being alcoholic because we lived in same building. My friend saw him sleeping at the entrance covered in vomit, but he never made me feel like I’m coming from a ‘bad family’, unlike some of the other kids.

    I know you probably are asking in case of both straight friends, but my friendship is so special. I feel grateful to have him in my life and wanted to share.

    Just open-minded acceptance of each other’s quirks and each other’s baggage. We surely bonded, because we are both different than the community we grew up in. What’s actually funny, he’s my sister age (a year younger) and when we were kids/teens, people were always commenting on that he gets along with me better than my sister.

    We don’t need to speak all the time to know we can count on each other. We’re adults now and live in different countries, but we manage to see each other few times a year. It makes me want to cry now when I think of him, he’s such a wonderful person.

  15. My little brother or my dad. I don’t really share much of my personal life with them outside of basics like school or basketball. We just talk sports and food.

  16. My brother. We met when he joined our family when I was 8 and he was 9. I tell him a lot but I don’t tell him specifics about my relationship or sex life. I’m sure he appreciates not hearing about the latter. It doesn’t affect either of our love lives.

  17. Met him in college through our organization and have known him for about 7 years now. I love him to death, he’s pretty much part of my family and from what it seems like we pretty much tell each other everything. We laugh 90% of the time as we have the same sense of humor and we are pretty much the life of the party when we’re together. Neither of our love lives are really affected by our friendship as we both like men and everyone we’ve introduced to one another (friends or potential partners) absolutely love the other so I feel very grateful to have him as a friend!

  18. We met through work – we are fairly close because we own a business together as well. It doesn’t affect it because my boyfriend also loves him is good friends with him as well. We are big believers in platonic friendships with the opposite sex

  19. It’s probably my brother.

    Our relationship is really good. We share common hobbies/interests, we tend to like the same things.. our expression to the world is different but out brains are very similar in general. People who know the both of us usually comment how if one of us puts a mask of the other’s face no one would know the difference.

    I tell him pretty much everything.. I obvs wouldn’t go into more explicit stuff like I would with my female best friend but he definitely has a more complete overview about my life than her.

    Both our love lives are good. Doesn’t get affected. I was the first person he told when he decided to propose to his then GF/now fiancée.. he asked me to meet her before meeting our parents.. He knows what annoys me about my BF and will try to help me..

  20. We met in college, we spent a LOT of time together, he was always really nice and funny and loved video games as much as I do, but when we tried dating it just didn’t work out, things felt awkward like we were brother and sister

    As years went on he kept getting girlfriends who didn’t like me hanging around and I kept getting boyfriends who didn’t like him hanging around, so we mainly hung out online and played games together to avoid any big drama

    It’s weird, he’s like one of the most perfect men I have ever met, yet we just never took off.

  21. We’ve been best friends since we were 12! Always friends, never dated. We consider each other family.

    Honestly, our friendship was a great barometer to weed out jealous or insecure partners who had toxic views on friendship.

    We’re both married now and the result is a bigger friend group that includes his wife and my husband – who are also both amazing people.

  22. 18 years, met in high school. i’m grey ace and he’s uh i’m not really sure. aromantic and bi? so neither of us have had long relationships. we tell each other everything and have been through a lot together.

  23. I have a few very close male friends that I tell a lot to. In general the only thing that’s really off topic is our sex lives, but I have the same policy with female friends : I just don’t want to know anything about their sex life and don’t want to share about mine.

    As far as how I met them : I met my best friend when I was 1 year old and he was just born because our moms were best friends since middle school, so we were basically raised as children. I met one other in high school, and three in college.

    My relationship with them has never affected either of our love lives, we rely on each other for mutual support and care for each other but we’re also not texting every day, hanging out all the time, etc. I think it also helps that I have multiple guy friends, so it’s not one being different, and my guy friends are the type of men who have many close female friends.

    I’m also bisexual, and very obviously interested in women more than men, so I think that has been comforting for any of my friends’ girlfriends. I’m respectful of their relationships and always try to make friends with their partners

  24. He’s 32. I’m 25. We know each other for 2 years. He has a girlfriend and I have a boyfriend. But we talk daily and about everything. Icncluding sex topics. Oh, and we’ve never seen ech other! It has been always online. And I love my frirndship with him!

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