We’ve been friend for 10 years. Recently, we went on a trip in a group of 4 together. I found out that I have feeling with him. After that, I tried to find an occasion that we could spend time together. We went on a wedding, went on a cafe, etc
We laughed, talked a lot when we were together. I felt like he liked me too (he never said no when I asked him to do anything), so I gave him hints. But yesterday, when we discussed about relationship. He said a man would never like a girl that he can laugh or tell jokes with. He said when a man is around a woman he likes, he would be very shy and quiet. At that moment, I realized that he doesn’t like me.
Right now I feel really sad and worry. What if he knows my feeling for him, and this will affect our friendship? How can I overcome this disappointed feeling?

  1. I have no idea what he’s on about. Half of the fun of a relationship is being able to laugh with your partner and do dumb shit together.

    That said, men are dense, like genuinely I could fight a black hole and win, if you want to know how he feels about you, here’s your ticket. Ask him this:

    “Hey (guy), would you like to go out sometime?”

    If the answer is yes, then fucking go for it.

    If the answer is no or I’m not sure, you say: “No worries mate, offer stands.”

    The response to no is important, because it makes the question is casual (even if it’s not) while still leaving the offer open if they realize “oh hey, that does sound fun.”

    At any rate, you should absolutely ask, because it’s better to know what happens rather than spending the rest of your life wondering what would’ve happened.

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