How do you know if people at work like you ? What are the signs ?

  1. I don’t. I’m just polite and courteous and make sure to thank people when they help or do something for me.

    If they don’t like me, that’s on them.

  2. They make jokes about you/ tease you in meetings, you’re included in the inside jokes, they bring you treats or ask if you want anything in a coffee run, when something funny or happy happens they come and share it with you, and they are themselves around you (ie, they swear, say “inappropriate” things, etc)

    If they don’t like you- they only talk about work with you.

  3. I guess you never really know cuz people pretend a lot for personal reasons. You just have to be really careful. I’m new at my job and have this older guy who tries to make me look bad and told me he doesn’t think I’m fit for the job. But he’s all smiles when we are around other colleagues

  4. Honestly I don’t trust anyone at work, even if they say they like me. Years of experience taught me most people are very fake and selfish at work and they wouldn’t even defend you if that doesn’t benefit them.

  5. Best is not to worry about being liked.

    I noticed if you keep things cordial friendly but distance they respect you more.

    If they sense you‘re the one who craves massive validation from everyone you just end up doing extra work for nothing and overtime because people just unload their stuff on you.

  6. You can’t. People can seem very open and friendly, or cold and aloof, and both can just be how they are at work. Don’t expect anything from people who are paid to be around you. Unless you see them outside of work, or they make an effort to hang out, do not expect, or chase any kind of friendship/relationship from your co-workers.

    One example is a person at my old job i thought I got on ok with, and the manager one day, ripped into both of us for not completing a task, and that person immediately throwing me under the bus by saying “I thought that was r/humiliatingmyself’s job!” and the manager ripped into me instead. taught me a hard to learn lesson.


    People all have some version of main character syndrome and are mostly self-focused, but it also means they don’t care that much about what you do, or sitting there thinking “ugh i hate OP” they just want to make enough money to pay rent, go home eat takeout and veg out.

    I understand wanting to be liked at work, but trust me when I say it’s not worth it.

  7. I know they like me but if they didn’t I wouldn’t care. I work there, that’s it, am courteous, friendly, professional and I don’t gossip. I trust all of them as far as I can throw them.

  8. I don’t go to work to make friends, I go to work to make money.

    I’m friendly and social but they don’t need to actually like me.

  9. I wouldnt worry about being liked, but definitely look for signs of “fake” liking;

    If they’re always asking you for favors because you’re dependable that’s a red flag. They’re trying to shirk off some of their load onto you and it will always be to your detriment. If they seem to always suggest you for a project its hardly because they think you’re capable but either because they want to sabotage you or avoid responsibility. Worry less about being liked and worry more about being respected.

  10. I’m not sure if this applies to everyone, but whenever I come into work, everyone always says hey how are you etc and are genuinely interested in how you’re doing (you know this because if your having a bad day, they will ask u if ur alright and what’s making u upset etc)

    Meanwhile others only get a small hi from one or two people and are barely acknowledged (these are the ones who act shitty to others and expect them to show respect back to them)

  11. If someone in my team has a question regarding our work they go to me first. Not because I’m the most experienced (I’m not) but because I always try to help and try not to offend colleagues even if they ask the same simple question again and again.

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