Recently whenever I have to cook/make dinner a lot of food no matter where it’s been bought seems to be inedible even before the Use By date

  1. Quality certainly seems lower than about 10-15 years ago, but I guess that could just be perception. I don’t tend to listen to ‘use by’ dates on anything other than meat and fish though, I just trust my nose ( hasn’t killed me yet!).

  2. I’ve seen a lot of this on Reddit recently but I’ve not experienced it myself. Everything I buy is grand.

  3. Check your fridge. Disregard what the fridge says, get a thermometer and actually check

  4. An unspoken-of factor will be the number and type of preservatives in the food – Policies in recent years have minimised this.

    If people want healthier and more environmentally friendly foods, this is one of the prices to pay.

  5. I never follow use by dates, unless it’s for fish/meat, which I haven’t noticed a change in? But vegetables, fruit, dairy – all seems to last for me beyond the date!

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