So, I have this neighbor. We exchange pleasantries when we pass each other by but we’re not friends. I am, however, friends with her cat. He’s indoor/outdoor and comes to visit me almost every day. The neighbor lady is aware of my relationship with the cat.

A year or so ago, the neighbor lady was displeased with the amount of dead birds he was bringing home and got him a collar with a bell. It’s cheap and vinyl and the bell is totally silent. And now it’s been a year, and it’s frayed and just looking extremely rough.

This cat is my buddy, and he deserves to look as classy as he is inside. So I bought him a nice leather collar. I want to give it to him (read: his owner) for Christmas. But I’m afraid she’ll interpret it as some act of passive-aggression. Like, “the collar you bought your cat is a piece of shit and so I need to step in to make sure he’s taken care of.” That’s not what I mean, and I don’t want her to see it that way. I’m just trying to get something nice for the kitty.

How can I handle this such that my neighbor won’t think I’m a bitch?

  1. If cats go outside they should have breakaway collars you could just say the cat almost got hung up so you got a safer collar because you care too❣️

  2. Get something small for the neighbor as well. It doesn’t have to be expensive, but then you can present it as “I got a little something for your family “ and work it in that way

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