i’m looking for advice here, and maybe to vent a little bit. i am on iphone so i’m sorry if the formatting is poor.

last year i started seeing someone and we clicked immediately. like talked 24/7 and he’d drive an hour to see me almost every week. this lasted for two months, his ex had reached out to him under the disguise of needing support. he, being a kind person ended up being there for her, and eventually left me for her. i have abandonment issues and admittedly had a very large reaction. he messaged me two weeks ago apologizing, i apologized for some of the things i said to him during that. we’ve been talking nonstop and clicked immediately again, like almost as if no time had passed. we hung out last week, and she messaged him right after he kissed me. he ignored her, but she reached out again the next day doing the same thing she did last year, and he talked to her and it upset me A LOT, but he did tell her about me and block her afterwards. i don’t know how to feel about it. i enjoy his presence in my life, but i’m scared i’m always gonna have this anxiety with him about him going back to her or just dropping me for someone else like last year. he keeps saying he’ll prove with his actions and not words but it’s hard to believe because he hated her last year too. we both aren’t ready for anything and we’ve talked about that but we still talk 24/7, hook up and act like a couple. he talks about a future with me and all of this, and it’s scary because of how quickly it’s happening. he got out of the relationship with her three months ago and i got out of one about two months ago. we are ‘taking our time’ but also moving rapidly and it’s very scary.

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