Any medium- TV, film, videogame, novel, your choice.

For me, it’s a toss up between Jed Bartlet from *The West Wing* and Tom Kirkman from *Designated Survivor*. Both, I would say, epitomize the ideal president: Though flawed, both are steadfast, understanding, prudent in their position of power, yet unafraid to push their weight around.

  1. President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Camacho. When it came to his attention that there was a knowledgeable expert who could help his country *he put that man in charge of stuff and immediately carried out his advice.* If our actual leaders acted like that, there would be no climate crisis.

  2. President Jack Ryan, in Executive Orders by Tom Clancy. Ryan is confirmed as a replacement US Vice President when a disgruntled man flies a 747 into the US Capitol killing the President and many of the members of Congress.

  3. President Whitmore from Independence Day. This is more about fictional presidents than a real life ideal, but his story is ridiculous.

    He’s not that popular, is disrespected in the Oval Office, doesn’t organize mass evacuations, his wife dies, finds out there’s a whole section of government he knows nothing about, the White House and countless cities are destroyed and he basically nuked a city with nothing to show for it.

    But somehow, through the wonderful magic of disater movies, he can make a badass speech as the President of United States literally redefining Independence Day into a woke celebration of global cooperation and survival and everyone buys it.

    What I’m really saying is that Independence Day is one of the greatest movies of the 90s and of its genre.

  4. James Marshall of *Air Force One* is pretty cool. Glenn Close is his VP and he has a badass line.

  5. Kevin Kline as Dave. He got shit done, thawed out the first lady and left without making a fuss . Good guy.

  6. Andrew Shepherd from “The American President”. Intellectual, great negotiator, seemed honest and forthright.

    Also got to smash Annette Benning.

  7. President Whitmore from Independence Day! The man presided over the defeat of a literal alien invasion.

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