So I have been reading about the possibility to have multiple orgasms by not ejaculating, having an orgasm without ejaculation. I read this article which said that you can have long orgasms and multiple ones that are stronger than normal orgasms if you learn to separate ejaculation from an orgasm and use kegel squeezing to not ejaculate.

However, it does not seem to work for me. Well, it kind of does but also not. I can have an orgasm without ejaculation, but I will still have a refractory period after that. Yet everywhere it is said that the refractory period is caused by ejaculation and not the orgasm. But if this were true, I would not have a refractory period when I have an orgasm and dont ejaculate, but I do. So what is the truth here and why do I get a refractory period without ejaculation?

I can have multiple orgasms if I edge, if I do not let the orgasm go forward too much. That I can do multiple times. But if I let the orgasm roll forward, I will have a refractory period, even if I do not ejaculate.

1 comment
  1. Hard to say exactly, I’m sure it’s a little different for everyone. It sounds to me like maybe you are going a little too far and are maybe ejacaulting but your holding it inside or it’s being forced into your bladder (retrograde ejaculation). Also are you stopping stimulation when you hold your kegel?

    For me, I can have 3 or so orgasms in a row by squeezing my kegels but I do let out a couple drops of semen each time… I haven’t been able to get to fully dry. But I have to stop stimulation when I squeeze my pc or I can push myself too far.

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