I think I’ve noticed this for pretty much most of my adult life where my voice seems to change **throughout the day**, and I have no idea what my true voice is.

Sometimes my voice is deep and crisp (this is usually when I’m home), and other times it is not crisp and it’s not deep (this usually happens when I’m not home). I’ve always noticed that when I go to the gym, I have a hard time talking in there (without a mask). It seems my voice is environment dependent, and I have no idea why.

Has anyone experienced this before? It affects my confidence in social settings.


I have allergies, but idk if this is the cause of it.

Also, I don’t talk very much. I work from home. The only times where I usually talk during weekdays is on a conference call, so I don’t think I’m straining my voice by overtalking.


Also I went to a voice therapist back in 2019 for like a few sessions. I remember she said my larynx is really tight or something like that and she had me do some larynx loosening exercises but I don’t it worked and then she me say some kind of phrase (something like “my mother made me marmalade” or something weird like that) repeatedly at home. I can’t remember what the purpose was for.

  1. Yes, this happens to me too. Although for me it seems like it changes from day to day rather than what situations I’m in.

  2. Same here! Other people always seem to have a standard voice but mine changes depending on the time of day and how I’m feeling.

  3. Same here! Other people always seem to have a standard voice but mine changes depending on the time of day and how I’m feeling.

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