Curious of different strategies i realize this isnt the most fresh topic but was just curious what everyones current take is and what too expect when speaking ?

  1. If a real conversation starts happening, I don’t really work to connect with anyone else until I know if we’re going to click and meet up.

  2. None. I don’t use dating apps. They are now used for quick sex and give attention to 80% of the women there while they only want 10% of the men. I am not playing that game. Rather use my charm in public with random women

  3. There have been times when I was talking to 3-4 at once, but the text conversation is right there to refer to. Usually, though, I’m talking to nobody. Like, the vast majority of the time the only match I have stopped talking to me weeks ago and I just haven’t gotten around to unmatching her yet.

  4. Not many. I’m in an open marriage though (with kids, little time for each other). So more women will match to call BS on it. Then when I tell them they can check? They say I’m not attractive enough to cheat, even though it’s not, and unmatch.

  5. Realistically I only ever have maybe 6 maximum at once that I legitimately have interest in getting with. Usually it’s only 1 to 3 though. Outside of that well I keep all my matches that I still want to speak to at one point or another or try to respark conversation so there are 100+ others (I use Hinge, Bumble and Facebook dating). Probably 60% or more of those will never respond again though. Some are also legitimately women I have interest in that didn’t respond to my last message and I’m just waiting for a few weeks or so to pass before trying another message so I don’t look desperate.

    So I guess realistically I talk to 1-6 seriously at any given time, that’s really the maximum I can even get to of women I actually want before one ghosts me or whatever. Sometimes I have zero I’m legitimately heavily interested in. But have a few dozen others I’m also always talking to. Some I’m somewhat open to maybe being serious with in the future, but for the most part I’m positive what I want and know I don’t want to be with those others (hey, women are playing this same game of entertaining matches until they find the perfect one they want that flies to #1 spot on the roster).

    I never get the top ones I really want mixed up, but I do get the others mixed up sometimes. The problem really occurs with a lot of the other women when I get their numbers I tend not to save it (I don’t even save friends or coworkers numbers I get for long periods of time) then I can get myself really confused. Sometimes I’ve looked through my phone and seen full conversations I hadn’t responded back to and want to, but can’t figure out who it is, especially since they might have deleted their profile.

  6. I prefer one at a time. And I honestly don’t get enough substantive matches to even really try to talk to more than one at a time.

  7. As many as possible

    The one I like could disappear at any moment, or be a catphish

    And yeah it sometimes gets confusing

  8. I would stop at 3. Never got them confused because for some reason, They were all vastly different.

  9. I have a rule of no more than six because I don’t believe it’s a good idea to only talk to one woman as a dude, just seems like you’re putting all your apples (or was it eggs?) in one basket.

  10. I use the same opener for everyone and who ever texts back texts back, only diff is I may make some personalized according to her style or attractiveness.

  11. When I was using the apps, it could be a few, but the conversations on the apps shouldn’t last that long. The point of the convo is to confirm the other person is a human and is probably not going to murder you and then you meet in person.

  12. Depends, but at least a couple usually.

    And yes, I get them confused. Just this morning I sent a text to a new girl that I’ve only met for coffee thinking it was a girl I’d been hooking up with. (I hadn’t added their names as contacts so I only saw the number.) I called the new girl a good fuck toy as the other girl likes to be called that.

    Luckily, the new girl took it well. She texted “TOO SOON!” followed by “I knew you were dirty.”

  13. I tried to talk to 4 at once and had 4 dates in one weekend. Holy shit that was exhausting. Now I talk to 2-3 max until I get to liking one enough to go on dates. I usually pause my apps when I start dating someone and feel like it might go somewhere.

  14. Never doing more than 1 again. I don’t know how anyone ghosts people it feels like the biggest asshole move because I’m too much of a coward to ever say it’s not going to work out.

  15. It depends, if my account is fresh, than it may sometimes be more than 10 people at once, which gets really fucking hard to keep up and starts overwhelming me. In the end however I tend to end up filtering about five or so? It really depends.

  16. Men tend to speak to as many girls as possible on dating apps because there really isn’t a huge number of matches coming through.

    I think I was regularly speaking to 2 or 3 girls at once where I could take a genuine interest in them and decide if it was worth asking them out on a date.

    Any more than that and I found one of them would usually drop off because I couldn’t keep up with the replies.

  17. >When on dating apps how many women do you talk to at one time?

    One. A few years ago, it felt “wrong” to speak to any more than one at a time. Now, I just don’t have the mental bandwidth for speaking to any more than one at a time XD

  18. Generally i would talk with enough women at the same time to be able to set up dates with 3-4 of them in a couple of weeks. Then I meet them and see what happens and who i want to pursue most.

    As soon as there is 3-4 women with whom i have good convo and am discussing setting dates I generally stop swiping and chatting with others.

  19. I would honestly just mass message several women at a time. I would make a comment about their profile and then ask a follow up question. Had it down to a science. I only got a response maybe every 5-10 messages. I think I actually had 2 different dates back to back at one point

  20. Talking to difrent women on the app is not hard. Its how many you are dating at a time. I realized my limit was 3. Anymore and it would either ger annoying, confusing, or I would start setting up diffrent dates on the same day.

  21. It‘s been a while since I was in the dating game, but the maximum number I’ve reached was zero.

  22. I would usually juggle between 3-10 depending on what I had going on.

    There were a few times I would get them confused. Called a Cuban girl Colombian and completely messaged something meant for another girl. When I started residency dating multiple people became very hard so I slimmed down to no more than 3 at a time.

    However, when I met my wife I knew she was the one so I dropped the others and dated her exclusively before we got married. Been happy ever since.

  23. I would usually juggle between 3-10 depending on what I had going on.

    There were a few times I would get them confused. Called a Cuban girl Colombian and completely messaged something meant for another girl. When I started residency dating multiple people became very hard so I slimmed down to no more than 3 at a time.

    However, when I met my wife I knew she was the one so I dropped the others and dated her exclusively before we got married. Been happy ever since.

  24. I tried to talk to only one at a time. They tend to be very susceptible about it in my experience. But i used apps showing if i was online or not.

  25. Usually none, sometimes 3-5 briefly if I’ve been away from the town I live in. The only populated place (as opposed to wilderness, national parks and other quiet out of the way places) i tend to visit is just the next larger city over. But the 30-50 mile distance is typically a pretty quick dealbreaker. So its not hard to keep things straight.

  26. I never got confused. Idk I was talking to 5-20 at any given time (but this was 10+ years ago on plenty of fish, eHarmony, match).

  27. On weekends it might be over 10, the good thing is that I don’t spend more than 15-20 minutes texting with anyone. If she hasn’t given me her number and agreed for a meeting by then, I’m out.

  28. Are you a woman asking or a guy asking? The average guy doesn’t get more than 1 match at a time (on apps), but the average woman pairs with a guy who is likely talking to multiples.

    I’m nothing special and this is before dating apps, but the week I ended up going out with my now wife seriously for the first time. I had 3 other women irl giving me their phone numbers etc. I hadn’t had a single date for over a year before that. Generally, when women are attracted to someone they seem to be all at the same time.

  29. I talk to as many as I can.

    Mind you, that’s 3 bots and 2 real women advertising their only fans or premium snapchats a month. So, really, not many. After I hear about the only fans I unmatch.
    And the bots are just annoying.

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