me (18, F) and my boyfriend (18, M) have been together for a little over two years now, I love him with my entire heart but theres a part of me that doesn’t want to be in a relationship anymore.
Before my current boyfriend I was in another relationship that lasted 2 years. When we broke up I almost immediately got into another relationship (waited maybe 1-2 months) so i haven’t been alone since i was 13-14. I still have a lot of stuff i need to figure out about myself –
on the other hand I dont want to lose him, we never really fight, we treat eachother well, etc. There’s some rocky parts of our relationship but that’s going to be present in every relationship. I find myself wishing he showed up later in my life. I just don’t know if I should be breaking up with someone I love this much, kinda looking for advice from people who’ve been in the same boat as me.

1 comment
  1. You are still young. The odds against your relationship longevity are high. He may be the right person at the wrong time, as you mentioned. This is life. I think giving yourself a break from relationships, going to pursue a college degree or two and giving a try in running your own business may be your next best steps for now.

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