So I had sex last night, well after I obviously went to pee well I had a burning/tingling feeling down there this has never happened before. I don’t think it’s a uti or yeast infection I’ve had those and never felt the burning/ tingling pain. I mean right as I peed it happened the best way to describe it is if someone put icey hot down there. Now I get pretty wet and I asked my boyfriend did he put something on before hand ? I mean the sex was the same, no condom , no lube. So ofc I’m freaking out bc my vagina is burning and in pain.

Now my friend said I could of ripped or have a cut around there or inside idk and I also know that smoking 🍃 can make you not be as wet. So I just want some others people opinion. It felt like my vagina was going numb.

Has this ever happened to you before?
What should I do?
I want to have sex again tonight but I’m scared
The burning/tingling/numb feeling went away after a few minutes which felt like a whole year bc I was freaking out. And today I’m fine , no burning or anything.

  1. UTI symptoms will not show up that quickly right after sex. If it only started happening right after you had sex then your vagina/vulva has microtears and the urine was what was causing it to burn. You just need some time to let them heal

  2. Most likely you have a tiny tear somewhere on your vulva, vaginal opening, or hymen. The pee will sting it. Just be careful with it and let it heal

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