My GF(25) and I(25) cant see each other more than twice a week so communication through text and phone talk is important to me. The problem is she says she isnt thw texting type and takes 30 minutes to 1-2 hours before replying, and claims she isnt comfortable calling me while at home since her father is there and he judges her. FINE.

Literally two days ago I told her it bothers me that we cant talk enough and Im always the one initiaring a phone call. I asked her to at least call me when she is outside. She said sure but shes been outside for walking and sports and still does not call me. ITS DRIVING ME INSANE.

She claims to love me yet doesnt care enough to honor my simple wish to be more in touch?? Should I just do nothing and give the silent treatment or talk about the topic once again and probably look even more needy. I just dont kbow anymore…

  1. Some ppl aren’t into texting. Would much rather focus on what’s in front of them. Are things good when you’re together? That should be your focus. It’s just a damn phone

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