Men of Reddit, how do you comfort a friend who’s going through “that time of the month”?

  1. You don’t. You act like it’s not the case and assume they don’t magically change.

  2. Don’t mention her period, score her some chocolate and just be lazy and hang out. Also don’t mention her period.

  3. You carry on as if nothing has changed. You buy a cheap pack of pads and a pack of pantyliners to have in your bathroom for anyone that ever needs them. And don’t act like it’s a big deal. It’s not.

    Also maybe an extra pack of pads, 2 in your car and 2 in your first aid kit. They make hella good bandages.

  4. Tillamook Mudslide ice cream in the freezer that week. That’s about as far as my support goes.

  5. If you’re just her friend and not her intimate partner you should probably just leave her alone.

    If you have some excuse to give her chocolate do that.

    Otherwise don’t make a big deal about it unless she does.

  6. Just give them time and space, accept their mood potentially might be different and have chocolate on hand if you meet up.

  7. She’s the expert here. I’ll be back in a few days when she’s got it all sorted out.

  8. As a friend who used to have “that time of the month”, unless you’re fucking me or feeding me, leave me alone.
    I want exactly ZERO comfort from anyone, it’s not a death or some dire disease. It’s a period. It’s normal.

    What kind of question is this???

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