What was the weirdest advice you’ve ever received in your life?

  1. For me:

    I was talking to a Christian guy at a party and he told me never to marry a Muslim man. I was single and not even considering marriage at this point and this Christian guy told me that Muslim men abuse their wives and cited several detailed passages from the Koran and the like and I couldn’t help but laugh lol
    He also said Muslim men were cheaters, they only wanted a harem and I should never trust them…and that if I were attracted to “Middle Eastern” and “dark” looking men, I should make sure they were Christian before I dated them and not Muslim…!
    I was just flabbergasted because I was a single young woman working in NYC with no boyfriend whatsoever lol.. I wasn’t even dating anyone I was working on my PhD…
    What was the weirdest random advice you have ever received in your life?

  2. “Why don’t you go to the gym until you’re 6 feet tall, then you’ll be so much better looking!”

    I’m 5’6″ and go to the gym, lift, and train a lot (Aikido), I don’t think she knows how that works… still thought it was funny

  3. “Women like to be treated like shit”

    My sisters ex bf who was a very nice guy, she left him for an asshole and is now married with kids, facing the consequences of an asshole partner.

    I’ve realized the trick is be an asshole sometimes on purpose while dating to keep her interest, then clean yourself up when you are positive you want to keep her around for a healthy long term relationship.

  4. “you know, most grass is edible. If you boil it long enough you can almost get over the fact it tastes like grass” Unprompted from some random dude sitting on the bus next to me

  5. Keep your ass and balls clean…you’ll never know who’ll lick it….

    *…confused 16 year old me looking at my 19 year older cousin…*

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