So long story short, I really like this person who i’ve been talking to for about a little over half a year now and we basically have an open relationship type of thing going on. They don’t want a relationship and neither do I but I do really really like them and it seems like they like me back too, and so anyway, we aren’t exclusive or anything, we’re just dating/sleeping together, we are intimate at times, I like to think our connection is genuine and means something to not only me, but them as well but i’m sure they’re talking to other people too, considering we aren’t in a committed relationship. Except I can’t help but feel guilty when I talk to other people and consider sleeping with them. I shouldn’t be putting my eggs in one basket, everyone says, but why do I feel so guilty pursuing anyone else?

  1. get with the program it’s 2022. what makes you think they’re being loyal to you? have you discussed it? do you really think you are their only option?

  2. well I’ve only really started dating again this year, didn’t for 3 as i was healing from a 6 year break up so safe to say I have no idea where the programs at and what’s already taught😭But I guess you’re right, I’m probably not their only option, I’d hope I’m their top option at least 😅😅

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