Let me just get into this, so I met this girl and we really hit it off. Her and I have been seeing each other for about 3 1/2 years now but I’ve been losing feelings so I downloaded tinder. Just to see what was out there, I wasn’t looking for anything but I did. I end up meeting up with a girl I matched with and took her my place and we had s3x. I put the condom in the trash without thinking about it but the next day I had my girlfriend over and she found it. I made up some whole story about how it was a condom I have from when me and her first got together and I put in the trash, didn’t think anything of it and moved on. Beyond that I ended up convincing her (even tho we haven’t used condoms in a year) that it was ours. I wanna come clean but it’s been a couple of months later. How should I come clean or shouldn’t I?

  1. You need to straight up tell her

    And then she’ll rightfully leave you. Not only did you cheat on her. But you gaslit her

  2. Yeah break up with someone BEFORE you cheat on them. Just straight up tell her you cheated. But you won’t do that cause you’re a pussy who cheats and lies to get out of things. No offense but you’re not an adult yet.

    You REALLY had to come to reddit to know what to do huh? The guilty conscience and gut feeling that your a bad person for doing this wasn’t guiding you enough?

    You really should just break up and do your own thing. Maybe by next time your balls will have dropped and you can just tell someone when it isn’t working out. Welcome to long term relationships bud. We all go through bullshit after certain times to either make a commitment when it’s hard or give up. You made the decision to give up so live with it.

  3. maybe break up next time before giving someone trust issues.

    “downloading tinder to see what’s out there”

    just simply don’t be in a relationship then, because you clearly aren’t ready to settle down with one person.

  4. I don’t get guys, if you’ve lost feeling why continue the facade? Just end things! Before you cheat. Trust me she’s been feeling you lost feelings but you’re just not brave enough to say it, making her feel insecure is just pathetic.

  5. So you lost feelings for her but somehow downloaded tinder without supposedly “looking for anything”??? You know damn well what you were doing and instead of communicating with her you looked for other options. Not only that but you gaslit your girlfriend that you consciously cheated on into thinking the condom was one you used together. It’s bizarre and there’s not much details about your feelings on this but from the looks of it you were able to bring her to your place the day after cheating on her?! And lie just like that without a second thought. Damn you really are a piece of shit. She deserves to know the truth and it’s good you wanna come clean now but the damage is done and the girl deserves so much better. I hope she doesn’t stick around and moves on, wish her the best.

  6. Just confess and let her decide what she really wanna do about both you. Seriously, that’s wrong instead of confronting about loosing feelings , you did that. And it’s disgusting.

    And she definitely knows u cheated bruh. She just going to see what all lies u can make up.

  7. When I read the title I said this man is a pice of 💩, but then I read your post and confirmed it 💩

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