How do you/should you deal with the quitters, losers or persistently negative folks in your life?

  1. Depends on how negative they are.

    Everyone complains from time to time.

    If they are consistently negative, you may want to back off. That energy will rub off on you. As cliche as it sounds, the people you surround yourself with absolutely affects you.

  2. If they’re persistently negative & they still wanna talk to me I’ll tell them my view on it until they stop asking me

  3. If they want to quit, let them.

    You can’t control what others do. Regardless of whether their actions impact your or not.

    My philosophy is, if you can’t change it, there is no use getting upset about it.

  4. Let them go through the waves just like I did. Somethings can only be learned by experiencing them

  5. I simply stop paying attention to them when they act like twats. If all they do is act like twats, I stop dealing with them.

  6. Leave them behind. I’m none of those things and I have no intention of becoming them. I keep moving to be a better me and that means people get left behind.

  7. Tell them “gee, that sucks.” then move on with making my life better. It’s their life and they can choose how to live it. I’m all about helping others, but if they just want you to hold their hand and do everything for them? Nope, I have my own shit to deal with.

  8. Negativity is for infectious disease testing and electrical currents.

    If people drag you down, cut the ropes and let them fall.

  9. I cut them out. I deal with enough negativity to last a lifetime and I don’t need to hear more of it.

    But it all depends. Sometimes people just go through a rough patch in life and need someone. I’m always there for the homies.

  10. I work on a crew of 5 people 4/5 are great but that one guy is always easily aggravated and throws fits regularly. I simply continue doing my job and if he is throwing a fit or yelling at me I just walk away and don’t give him a reaction. Probably pisses him off more sometimes but when another crew member sees it and asks what his problem is usually makes him realize he’s overreacting

  11. You mean the really, really bad whiners and not just the occasional Debbie Downers?

    Bye bye. Ain’t nobody got time for that. Life’s already tough as it is without someone puking in my punch bowl.

  12. I distance myself from them. I’ll still be cordial, but it’s mostly “Hi!” and “Bye!” when we do speak. I keep them at arm’s length and our conversations are short.

  13. I remove them for it. I don’t need losers in my life. I rather have people in my life that are hard working and persistent

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